Top Rated Book Reviews

Story Thieves

by James Riley (J RILEY, J.)
  • Five stars
    Read this book right now & tell all your friends!
    This book is a super story about a half-fictional girl and a boy who wishes there was more to life than just fractions. I loved this book and am now on the second book of this super fun and adventurous five-book series. Definately a must-read. Also suggested: Keeper of the Lost Cities
    Maddie K. Grade 6
  • Four stars
    Put this on your must read list!
    This book is suspenseful. It's about a girl named Bethany who can jump into books, and one day her classmate Owen catches her. He desperately wants to escape his boring life filled with boring math and boring people and make friends with the main characters of his favorite books and - But he can't, because Bethany hates having fun. Or can he? It can be a little confusing, as you're reading a book where people jump into books inside of the books they jumped into... But all in all you should definitely read it.
    Marina E. 12