Book Reviews by Author

Little House: in the Big Woods

by Ingalls Wilder Laura
  • Four stars
    Put this on your must read list!
    I think that this is a really good book for people who DO like historical fiction and for those who don't because even though this is a historical fiction book and an autobiography, it's more like a realistic fiction book! This book is about the Ingalls family and is mostly from the author herself, Laura, and it is about what it was like to live in Wisconsin in the Big Woods back when there were more and more people who were starting to move west. This book introduces you to these characters and what it was like back in the late 1880's. This book is the start of the series and is one of my favorites because it includes events and customs that aren't present today or aren't well known. For example: the sugar snow, old Christmastime, and other things. It includes funny stories from Laura's father, Pa's childhood and things like that. It's a story that occurs when Laura is around 4-6 years old. Also suggested: Rest of the series!
    Siri K Grade 9