Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3408 - Hocken Ave (RR - TV Hwy) Widening

Status: Current project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Estimated Cost: $3,000,000

Project Description

Widen Hocken Ave from south of the RR tracks to 250 feet north of TV Hwy to four lanes by adding one southbound lane with bike lanes and sidewalks. Project will require the relocation of traffic signal and RR crossing poles, signals and associated equipment to allow for additional paved width and pedestrian access as well as larger turning radii. Project has been designed in coordination with CIP 3302 and CIP 3519A. Currently, the project has been incorporated into CIP 3519A, Canyon Rd Intersection Improvements (MTIP) because ODOT proposes to shift the centerline of Canyon Rd approximately 6 feet to the north which will require design changes at the southeast and southwest corners of Hocken Ave and Canyon Rd. The estimated cost of the RR improvements to be funded by the City is $560,000. The estimated cost of roadway improvements is $926,000. The estimated cost of waterline improvements is $105,000. See CIP 3519A for costs required for the Canyon Rd improvements.


Connected to CIP 3519A ; Project design restarted in Aug 2017. HHPRI will provide design of Hocken Rd improvements from south of the RR tracks to the south curb line on Canyon Rd. Design will be in ODOT plan sheet format using MicroStation. City will complete a traffic study of the RR crossing and any queuing issues following the completion of CIP 3302. 12-12-17: Held diagnostic meeting with ODOT Rail.

Project Manager(s)


Project Schedule

FY13/14: Initiated contract with P&W Railroad and XO Rail on 9-12-13 for design services of improvements inside the railroad right of way. On 5-28-14 Wiser Rail Engineering contracted by RR to do crossing design. FY14-15: Contract awarded to Harper, Hoff, Peterson, Righellis (HHPRI) on 8-12-14 for engineering design services outside the railroad right of way. UPRR and PNWR approved preliminary design concept on 1-19-15. 30% design completed 3-26-15. FY15-16: On 7-21-15 ODOT determined that the south curb line on Canyon Rd needed to be moved 6'-7' to the north as part of the Canyon Rd (Hocken Ave-Short St) Improvements project (CIP 3519A); therefore, the design for CIP 3408 was put on hold until ODOT establishes the new centerline and curb lines for Canyon Rd. 10-14-15: CIP 3519A restarted. 4-22-16: COB/ODOT IGA 30667 approved which incorporated CIP 3408 into CIP 3519A.

FY16-17: Project on hold pending resolution of design issues on CIP 3519A, particularly shoulder and sidewalk width.

FY17-18: Project design restarted in Aug 2017. HHPRI will provide design of Hocken Rd improvements from south of the RR tracks to the south curb line on Canyon Rd. Design will be in ODOT plan sheet format using MicroStation. 12-8-17: City completed a traffic study with video of the RR crossing and provided memo addressing queuing issues. 12-12-17: Held diagnostic meeting with ODOT Rail. 4-23-18: Received updated plan with islands.

FY18-19: July 2018: City requires separate SB right turn lane. 10-19-18: Preliminary design concept approved. 1-11-19: 60% plan completed.

FY19-20: 9-3-19: Received 90% plans. 9-18-19: Provided comments on 90% plans. 10-13-19: Received update to 90% water plans. 12-10-19: Added Quiet Zone requirements such as Quad Gates to project scope.

FY 20-21: Project on hold due to CIP 3519A design being reevaluated.

FY 21-22: Determine whether or not to construct project on its own or keep it incorporated with CIP 3519A Canyon Rd Intersection Improvements (MTIP).

FY 22-23: Project on hold pending decision by ODOT and City to construct project on its own or keep it incorporated with CIP 3519A Canyon Road Intersection Improvements (MTIP).

Project Justification

CIP 3302 improved Hocken Ave to 5 lanes with bikes and sidewalk from Farmington Rd to south of the RR tracks. CIP 3408 will complete roadway improvements through the RR tracks and connect to Canyon Rd.

This project supports Comprehensive Plan Goals 6.2.2 (policies b, d and e), 6.2.3 (policies c and i), 6.2.4 (policy f), and 6.2.5 (policy a); and TSP Action Plan (Table 6-1) Project 591.

This project responds to Community Vision Action Plan (CVAP) #46 strategically widen roads, add signals & turn lanes, #48 install safe sidewalks & pedestrian lighting citywide, and #53 install bikeways along major commuter routes.

Project Image(s)

CIP 3408 Project Map for SW Tualatin Valley Hwy transportation project for intersection at SW Hocken Ave.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).