Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 5120 - Hall-Watson Loop Improvements

Status: Current project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Description

The Downtown Loop Urban Design and Transportation Plan seeks to establish a strong connection between Old Town and Beaverton Central along SW Hall Boulevard and SW Watson Avenue between SW Crescent Street to SW Fifth Street. The plan will identify roadway and sidewalk improvements to establish a district identity, prioritize safety for people walking, biking and taking transit, and support the growing residential and business community.

Project Manager(s)

Daniel Turk, 503-526-2473
Jean Biggs, 503-526-2424

Project Schedule

FY 2020-2021 Beginning in November 2020, a team of landscape architects, urban designers, planners and engineers began developing a concept plan and engage the community in the planning process. This plan will identify potential roadway and sidewalk improvements to establish a district identity, prioritize safety for people walking, biking and taking transit, and support the growing residential and business community. As part of this effort, the City’s survey crew collected data along both streets to create maps of the area.

FY 2021-2022 Work will progress on the Planning Phase of the project, developing and evaluating design alternatives towards selecting a preferred alternative.

FY 2022-2023 The Planning Phase of the project will conclude with the adoption of the Transportation and Urban Design Plan for the Loop, which will include preliminary cost estimates and an implementation program. At this point, the implementation program will be followed. In addition, the project team will continue to pursue funding opportunities for the project.

Project Justification

This project responds to Community Vision Action Plan (CVAP) #12 involve neighborhoods in improvement planning, #48 install safe sidewalks and pedestrian lighting citywide, #50 expand paths and trails and connect to major destinations, #51 install or improve crosswalks citywide, #53 install bikeways along major commuter routes, #62 Create several unique districts, #63 at benches, restrooms, bike racks and fountains, #65 Create pedestrian-friendly zones, and #99 improve pedestrian connections in neighborhoods.

Project Image(s)

Transportation Capital Improvement Project 5120 for SW Watson Avenue, SW Hall Boulevard and SW 3rd Street.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).