Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 4194 - 209th Ave Water Pump Station

Status: Current project

Project Category: Water

Project Estimated Cost: $9,000,000

Project Description

This project is a water pumping station that was included in the recommended improvements to the City's "Water System Facility Plan" (master plan) as a means of increasing the flow of water without increasing the diameter size of the existing transmission line from the water treatment plant to the City's water distribution system. In 1995, Brown and Caldwell estimated that the pump station could increase the transmission line capacity to the City to approximately 18 MGD. Project is located on 36" transmission line near 209th Ave and TV Hwy.

Project Manager(s)

David Winship, 503-350-2434
Tristan Wear, 503-350-4059

Project Schedule

Project is delayed pending completion and testing of the Hillsboro/TVWD Northside Transmission Line to determine available capacity in the existing Southside transmission line so that detrimental impacts to Hillsboro and TVWD are not caused. Additionally, alternative solutions to increase transmission capacity are to be analyzed before a pump station is justified.

Project Justification

Necessary to increase the quantity of water supply to the City and postpone the major expenditure for a second water transmission line.

Project Image(s)

CIP 4194 Water Project map for intersection of SW 209th Avenue and SW Tualatin Valley Highway.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).