Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 4172 - East Transmission Intertie - Nimbus to Western Ave (TVWD Opportunity Project)

Status: Current project

Project Category: Water

Project Estimated Cost: $14,500,000

Project Description

The Willamette Water Supply Program (WWSP) is managing design and construction for this joint venture project. The City of Beaverton will have 15,650-ft of 16-in waterline installed in SW Scholls Ferry Road beginning at SW Nimbus Road and running northeasterly to SW Cascade Avenue and then back to SW Scholls Ferry Road through a crossing under SR-217. The waterline continues northeasterly on Scholls Ferry Road to Allen Boulevard, then westerly along Allen Boulevard to Western Avenue. A branch of the project extends from the intersection of Hall Boulevard and SW Scholls Ferry Road easterly to the intersection of Hall Blvd and Oleson Road.

Project Manager(s)

Aaron Lee, 503-526-2446
David Winship, 503-350-2434

Project Schedule

FY 19-20: Begin coordination with TVWD and engineering design.
FY 20-21: Finalize engineering design and continue coordination with TVWD. Design complete in February 2021 and the project will begin construction in summer 2021 with an anticipated completion date in fall 2023.
FY 21-22: Construction
FY 22-23: Continue Construction

Project Justification

WWSP will be installing a 48-inch TVWD waterline connection that will provide water to their Metzger service area and provide a secondary feed to their Wolf Creek service area. The City plans to install a parallel 16-in waterline that will provide looping and resiliency to TVWD withdrawal Area 6 and the eastern edge of the City's existing water system. Constructing the two projects simultaneously will provide cost savings and reduce construction impacts to City residents.

Project Image(s)

CIP 4172 Water Project map for SW Scholls Ferry Road between Allen Boulevard to the North and Nimbus Avenue to the South.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).