Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 4109 - Denney Rd (105th Ave - Rollingwood Dr and King Blvd - 111th Ave) 12-inch Waterline

Status: Completed project

Project Category: Water

Project Estimated Cost: $590,000

Project Description

Install 1,150 feet of 12-inch DIP waterline in Denney Rd from 105th Ave to Rollingwood Dr near Hwy 217 that will serve as a bypass for an aging 16-inch waterline and ensure uninterrupted service for approximately 300 homes in case of a main break on the 16-inch line. Also, extend a 12-inch waterline from King Blvd to 111th St and abandon a 6-inch cast iron waterline between King Blvd and Belaire Dr that conflicts with the construction of the Denney Rd shared-use path (see CIP 3410).

Project Manager(s)


Project Schedule

FY13/14: Completed topographic survey and preliminary layout.
FY14/15: Begin design by City staff.
FY15/16: Completed design 3-9-16. Project advertised 3-11-16. Bids opened 4-5-16. Tapani Underground is the low bidder. Project began on 5-9-16 and was substantially complete on 7-15-16.

Project Justification

The existing 16-inch concrete cylinder pipe was installed in 1965 and is nearing the end of its useful life and is in need of replacement. Additionally, portions of this system are not looped and a failure of the main waterline in this neighborhood would result in several blocks of homes (approximately 300 residences) without water until the repair could be completed. Fire protection will also be improved with this project.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).