Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 4058A - Cooper Mountain Reservoir #2 (5.5 MG)

Status: Current project

Project Category: Water

Project Estimated Cost: $20,250,000

Project Description

Design and Construct a second 5.5-million-gallon drinking water storage reservoir and other associated improvements at a 10-acre property on 18250 SW Kemmer Road. this project also includes design and construction of approximately 1,400 LF of 24-inch diameter drinking water transmission main along SW Kemmer Road; a booster pump station building to serve residents in City's upper elevations; and a storage building that would house spare equipment and spare parts on site. As a part of this project, two emergency interties with TVWD to serve two difference pressure zones will be constructed. The reservoir and other associated components are designed to provide an aesthetically pleasing site to blend with the neighboring residential community.

Project Manager(s)

Jorge Miranda, 503-526-2488

Project Schedule

FY13-14: In 2013, the City’s Public Work’s engineering staff and a consultant completed an alternatives study of potential locations for a future water storage reservoir, which would store up to approximately 5 million gallons, located near the top of Cooper Mt (see CIP 4058).
FY14-15: Completed siting evaluation.
FY15-16 & FY16-17: Site selected (existing Cooper Mountain Reservoir site) and continue preliminary engineering.
FY17-18: Continue preliminary engineering.
FY18-19: Begin final design and land use permitting.
FY 19-20: Complete final design and begin construction. Construction began on May 26, 2020.
FY 20-21: Project construction.
FY 21-22: Continued construction.
FY 22-23: Construction to be completed in 2022

Project Justification

An engineering consultant study in 2013 concluded that growth in water demand in the City’s upper-elevation water service area will exceed the capacity of the existing 5.5 million gallon reservoir on Cooper Mountain (Cooper Mountain Reservoir No. 1). Approximately 15,000 of the total 70,000 residents served by Beaverton’s water system receive drinking water from the existing upper-elevation water system and storage reservoir, Cooper Mountain No. 1. With the annexation of the 544-acre South Cooper Mountain area and growth in other upper-elevation areas of Beaverton, an estimated additional 21,500 people may be added to the City’s upper elevation water service area by 2040. The Upper Zone pump station will be needed to serve higher elevations in the City’s expanded service area (new 860 and 920 zones).

Project Image(s)

CIP 4058A Project Map of SW Kemmer Rd near 182nd Ave.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).