Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3910 - Village Ln Bridge Replacement

Status: Completed project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Description

The existing Village Ln bridge over Johnson Creek is in need of major repairs and/or replacement. Staff will work with a consultant engineer to develop a plan and scope for the replacement or repair of the bridge.

Project Manager(s)

Sing Chau, 503-526-2351

Project Schedule

FY 21-22: Develop project scope and plan.

Project Justification

The existing wooden bridge structure is exposed to high water during the winter months and is in need of rehabilitation or replacement. A structural engineering analysis recommended the existing bridge load limit be reduced to 20 tons. City Public Works staff installed signage in FY 20-21 to restrict truck traffic over the bridge.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).