Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3417 - Shared Use Path (Fanno Creek Trail - Allen Blvd)

Status: Completed project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Estimated Cost: $750,000

Project Description

The project includes construction of 770 feet of a 12-foot wide multi-use path with 2-foot wide shoulders on each side, lighting, directional signage, and fencing. The path will be located within a 16-foot wide public pedestrian and bicycle access easement that extends from the Fanno Creek Trail to Allen Boulevard.

Project Manager(s)

Luke Pelz, 503-526-2466

Project Schedule

Project complete.

Project Justification

The project supports ODOT's OR 217 Auxiliary Lane project, which will improve safety and reduce bottlenecks on OR 217 by adding auxiliary lanes, or ramp to ramp connections, between Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway and OR 99W. To fulfill it's obligations under ORS 366.514, ODOT desires to construct certain improvements to connect to the Fanno Creek Regional Trail. ORS 366.514 is colloquially known as the "Pedestrian and Bicycle Bill." The Pedestrian and Bicycle Bill was enacted in 1971 to ensure Oregon roadways provide facilities that allow for safe travel by people walking and biking. The law establishes when pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be provided as part of transportation projects. The law applies to all transportation projects in the state, regardless of who owns the facility, project funding source, or amount.

Project Image(s)

Transportation Improvement Project 3417 for area bounded by SW 107th Avenue and SW Western Avenue.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).