Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3416 - Beaverton Quiet Zone

Status: Current project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Description

The project seeks to establish a federally-approved Railroad Quiet Zone to mitigate noise impacts at six at-grade crossings (SW Canyon Road between SW Hocken Ave and SW 117th Avenues) along tracks operated by Union Pacific Railroad and the Portland and Western Company that carry both freight trains and TriMet’s WES Commuter Rail. It will be necessary for the City to implement several safety measures at some of these crossings in order to qualify for this establishment.

Project Manager(s)

Daniel Turk, 503-526-2473

Project Schedule

FY 2020-2021: DEA hired to complete a crash analysis and FRA Quiet Zone Risk assessment. Consulted with Federal Railroad Administration and ODOT's Rail Division to identify next steps, to include scoping for preliminary engineering and convening a diagnostic team to update the extent of improvements needed at the rail crossings.

FY 2021-2022: Staff met with experts from the Federal Railroad Administration and ODOT's Rail Division to identify next steps, including scoping for Preliminary Engineering and engaging with the railroads to confirm the extent of improvements needed at intersections.

FY 2022-2023: Work is paused due to staffing. An RFP to select a preliminary engineering consultant team to develop 30% plans and cost estimate is the next step. Other steps include seeking potential funding for construction. Using local funds will improve the project’s readiness for future grant funding opportunities.

Project Justification

The Project will support the following Community Vision Action Items: #52 use signals and traffic calming to improve safety, #62 create several unique districts, #70 increase downtown housing options; and #103 site high-density development near transit and services.

Project Image(s)

CIP 3416 Transportation Project map for intersections of: SW Hocken Avenue and SW Farmington Road; SW Cedar Hills Boulevard and SW Broadway Street; SW Watson Avenue and SW Farmington Road; SW Hall Boulevard and SW Farmington Road; SW Lombard Avenue and SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway; SW 5th Street and SW Griffith Drive.

CIP 3416 Transportation Project map for intersections of: SW Hocken Avenue and SW Farmington Road; SW Cedar Hills Boulevard and SW Broadway Street; SW Watson Avenue and SW Farmington Road; SW Hall Boulevard and SW Farmington Road; SW Lombard Avenue and SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway; SW 5th Street and SW Griffith Drive.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).