Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3328 - Western Ave (BH Hwy-Allen Blvd) Improvement

Status: Current project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Estimated Cost: $9,700,000

Project Description

The Western Avenue Improvement Project is the signature capital project of the City’s West Five Strategy. The intent of the project is to help existing businesses thrive and to encourage future redevelopment. Between Allen Blvd and 5th St, the project includes reconstruction of the existing 4-lane vehicle only road to a 3-lane road with center turn lane; separated pedestrian and bicycle pathways; landscaped median and pedestrian/bicyclist buffer; transit stops; and upgraded storm water facilities and lighting. Between 5th St and BH Hwy, the project maintains the existing 4-lane roadway section and adds a 5-foot bike lane, a 4-foot planter, and a 6-foot sidewalk on the east side of the road. The project also includes traffic signal modification and intersection reconstruction at SW Western Avenue/SW 5th Street and SW Western Avenue/SW Allen Boulevard.

Project webpage:

Project Manager(s)


Project Schedule

FY16-17: Development of the West Five strategy that included as a key recommendation the improvement of Western Ave from 5th St to Allen Blvd.

FY17-18: 9-18-17: Mandatory pre-proposal meeting for design contract. Five (5) consultants attended. 10-2-17: Four (4) design proposals received. 10-18-17: HHPRI selected as engineering consultant. 1-2-18: Council awards engineering contract to HHPRI. 1-10-18: HHPRI Contract approved and design phase begins. 4-11-18: Preliminary concept plan and memos completed. 5-2-18: Willamette Water Supply Project (WWS{P) considers a possible route along Western Ave. 5-30-18: Open House 1. 6-27-18: RR Diagnostic meeting.

FY18-19: 7-13-18 met with RM Wade. 7-18-18 met with Howard Dietrich. 11-5-18: Added 16" waterline and interconnect conduit with fiber to scope of project. 11-14-18: Resolution 4538 - Intent to Acquire Property approved. 1-15-19: Decision made to place the WWSP 48-inch waterline along Western Ave. City 16-inch waterline to be included in the waterline package. 1-16-19: 60% roadway plans complete. 2-4-19: Developed parking plan for UPS site. 4-16-19: Land use applications submitted. 4-18-19: WWSP workshop #1. 5-14-19: Land use applications deemed incomplete. 6-12-19: WWSP workshop #2.

FY19-20: 7-15-19: WWSP 30% plans completed. 8-13-19: Council approves including roadway improvements (a 5-foot bike lane, a 4-foot planter, and a 6-foot sidewalk) on the east side of Western Ave from 5th St to Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy in the scope of work. 10-12-19: Land use applications resubmitted to include revised 60% plans. 10-21-19: Completed review of 30% WWSP plans. 10-23-19: Completed review of 60% storm drainage plans. 11-12-19: WWSP 30% design workshop. 1-6-20: Rail spur agreement signed by property owner. 2-12-20: Revocable access easement at 5150 SW Western Ave recorded. 2-25-20: Received draft contract document package from WWSP. 03-20-20: 60% City of Beaverton and WWSP design drawings submitted. 06-26-20: 90% design drawings submitted.

FY20-21: Final design completed in February 2021 and project was advertised for bids. Three bids were received and Moore Excavation, Inc., Fairview, OR, was determined to be low responsive bidder. Construction began in May 2021 with completion by Spring 2023.

FY21-22: Project on schedule and construction completion still anticipated by Spring 2023.

FY 22-23: Currently on schedule for project completion in late Spring 2023. By Spring 2022, significant progress made towards undergrounding overhead utilities and improvements to City of Beaverton sanitary and storm facilities. WWSP 48-inch transmission line approximately 50% complete as of April 2022.

Project Justification

This project was identified as the highest priority capital improvement in the Western Avenue Employment Area Plan, with the intent of improving safety and connectivity for residents, employees and visitors of the area. The existing street does not include public sidewalks, bike lanes, or mid-block crossings; does not meet current illuminations standards; and has a relatively high incidence of crashes. Between the years 2011 and 2015 a total of 70 crashes were recorded for Western Ave. The project will limit vehicle-to-vehicle turn conflicts and vehicle-to-pedestrian/bicycle conflicts; increase illumination levels; improve intersection turn movement design for freight vehicles; and improve traffic flow by separating bicycle traffic.

The project responds to Community Vision Action Plan (CVAP) #48 install safe sidewalks and pedestrian lighting citywide, #50 expand paths and trails and connect to major destinations, #51 install or improve crosswalks citywide, #53 install bikeways along major commuter routes, #99 improve pedestrian connections in neighborhoods; and Comprehensive Plan Goals 6.2.1 (policy g), 6.2.2 (policies a-h), 6.2.3 (d and f), 6.2.5 (policy a).

Project Image(s)

CIP 3328 Transportation Project map for SW Western Avenue between SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway and SW Allen Boulevard.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).