Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3327 - Millikan Wy Extension (Watson Av - Lombard Ave) MSTIP3E

Status: Current project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Estimated Cost: $9,400,000

Project Description

This is an MSTIP 3e project (#115) to realign and rebuild SW Millikan Way between SW Watson Avenue and SW Lombard Avenue, improving roadway safety, capacity, and pedestrian and bicycle access, as well as rebuild the intersection of SW Millikan Way and SW Watson Avenue and construct intersection improvements at SW Millikan Way and SW Lombard Avenue. This realigned and rebuilt connection will function appropriately within the local street grid, equitably provide capacity and safety to all modes of travel, and support downtown urban design and redevelopment goals.

Project Manager(s)

Daniel Turk, 503-526-2473, 503-526-2473

Project Schedule

FY 2019-2020: Approved IGA with Washington County for MSTIP funding. The proposed alignment for SW Millikan Way has not yet been selected.

FY 2020-2021: Staff carried out a scoping exercise to determine a strategy for how to best move forward, a game plan for bringing stakeholders and decision-makers on board, and work scope/budget for planning, preliminary engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction phases of the project. An RFP was issued for a consulting team to support the city in all phases of the project. The initial consultant contract will be limited to the Planning and Project Development Phase.

FY2021-2022: The contract for the Planning and Project Development Phase will be signed and this work will begin, initially focusing on analyzing existing conditions, defining project goals and establishing a framework for alternative evaluation.

FY2022-2023: Planning and Project Development will identify and analyze concept design (including alignment) options and seek community input through a public engagement process. Staff will report back to City Council as part of this process.

FY2023-2024: The Planning and Project Development Phase will conclude with the adoption of the Transportation and Urban Design Plan, which will include preliminary cost estimates and an implementation program. At this point, the implementation program will be followed. Preliminary Engineering will begin to prepare plans, specifications and cost estimates (PS&E) to build the project.

Project Justification

This project responds to Community Vision Action Plan (CVAP) #48 install safe sidewalks and pedestrian lighting citywide, #50 expand paths and trails and connect to major destinations, #51 install or improve crosswalks citywide, #53 install bikeways along major commuter routes, #62 Create several unique districts, #65 Create pedestrian-friendly zones, and #99 improve pedestrian connections in neighborhoods. It aims to better connect the Beaverton Central Transit station, the Beaverton Central Light Rail Complex at the Round, and offer an alternative for east-west travel through the downtown area.

Project Image(s)

CIP 3327 Transportation Project map for SW Millikan Way between SW Watson Avenue and SW Lombard Avenue.

CIP 3327 - Millikan Way Extension Project Budget for FY 2019 - 2025.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).