Capital Improvement Projects

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).        

CIP 3113 - Laurelwood Avenue Sidewalk (Scholls Ferry Rd – Laurelwood Ct)

Status: Current project

Project Category: Transportation

Project Estimated Cost: $3,000,000

Project Description

The project includes construction of sidewalk on the west side of Laurelwood Ave from Scholls Ferry Rd to Laurelwood Ct, storm water improvements, curbs and gutters, on-street parking, planter strip, street trees, and streetlights. Street lights will be installed along the west side of Laurelwood Ave from Scholls Ferry Rd to Apple Way.

Project webpage:

Project Manager(s)

Luke Pelz, 503-526-2466

Project Schedule

FY 18-19: City Council approved funding for design.
FY 19-20: Topographic survey, design consultant selected, design kickoff meeting held, design alternatives prepared, and community engagement.
FY 20-21: City Council approved 30% (preferred) design.
FY 21-22: 60% design, utility coordination, and right of way (ROW) acquisition. City Council approved 60% design fall 2021.
FY 22-23: ROW acquisition and final design.
FY 23-24: 90% design plans and ROW acquisition complete.
FY 24-25: Apply for a grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School program to fund construction.

Project Justification

The project:
1. Is a priority project (plan ID #41) of the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) (Resolution 4487, February 2018).

2. Responds to a multi-year (2016 - 2020) City Council Priority to include sidewalk projects in the Capital Improvement Program.

3. Responds to the Beaverton Community Vision Action Plan's Action #48 Install safe sidewalks and pedestrian lighting citywide, and Action #49 Create safe routes to schools.

4. Responds to the Beaverton Climate Action Plan's Action #53 Complete bicycle and pedestrian gaps and create new connection options for community members.

5. Meets the following Council strategic goals by assuring a safe and healthy community and maintaining the City’s infrastructure: Safety, Quality Infrastructure, and Community Wellness and Fun.

Project Image(s)

CIP 3113 Transportation Project map for SW Laurelwood Avenue north of SW Scholls Ferry Road.

Project Budget Plan for CIP 3113 Laurelwood Avenue Sidewalk totaling $2,544,000.

List of capital improvement projects (CIP).