Community Watch Security Camera Registry Program

Thank you for your interest in participating in BPD’s voluntary Community Watch Security Camera Registry Program. Locations of security cameras and contact information you provide will serve as a resource to officers when investigating criminal activity.

How does it work? residents and businesses share the location(s) of their security camera(s) and contact information with the Beaverton Police Department. The information is posted on a map for law enforcement use only. Officers or detectives may contact the owner/property manager entered into the registry to request video evidence to help with an investigation.

Is this a mandatory program? No. Registering the location of privately-owned security cameras and providing contact information is voluntary.

Will officers have access to live video? Not unless the owner/property manager grants permission. For example, in a retail security setting.

Does the BPD currently use recorded video surveillance for investigations? Yes. The BPD partners with many businesses and retail stores to obtain surveillance footage to investigate criminal activity and solve crime.

Should I contact the BPD if I move or get new equipment? Yes. Current information is essential to the program’s effectiveness. Please send an e-mail with updates to BeavertonPolice@BeavertonOregon.Gov or contact the Crime Analysis Division at 503-526-2294.

Where can I get more information? Contact the Crime Analysis Division at 503-526-2294.

All fields are required.

Contact Information

(format: 999-999-9999)

Lookup address works primarily for addresses within Beaverton City limits and up to a mile outside. Start typing your address beginning with street number, followed by direction (e.g. SW) then street name (e.g. Griffith). Keep typing until your address appears in the list.

Can’t find your address?

Location (s):
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Courage, Compassion, Integrity