Book Reviews by Author

Animal Farm

by George Orwell (YA ORWELL)
cover: Animal Farm
  • Three stars
    Give it a try, if you have the time.
    This book was full of surprises I read this for my lit comp class. It's kinda placed as realistic fiction because the animals on the farm represent real people in the Russian revolution. the book takes place in England even though the characters are based on Russian leaders and even the type of citizens who lived in Russia. The literature tells a story about animals who rebel against their farm owner are hoping to create peace, freedom, and society for all the animal race. This book is great for those who love war and political revenge books Also a very deep book you have to really think about the moral's of the book and what are you getting out of it. Also suggested: To Kill a Mockingbird,War and Peace,Lord of the Flies
    Mikayla S Grade 11
  • Four stars
    Put this on your must read list!
    Animal Farm by George Orwell is a classic, and it's definitely worth the read. The way the story pans out, with the animals taking over Mr. Jone's farm so that the humans would not continue to rule them like kings and then the pigs taking control and acting just like them, honestly reminds me of America's government and society now. Also, Orwell's descriptive writing helped to paint a hilarious picture for me that gave me a laugh when I imagined animals running our world. Also suggested: Of Mice And Men
    Gracie M. 12
  • Four stars
    Put this on your must read list!
    What makes the greatest book by George Orwell are it's themes of power, lies and deceit, rules and order, cunning and cleverness, violence, pride, and religion, and they are presented in a way that is very strong and very powerful.
    Andrew H. 15