FEBRUARY 9, 2004


The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob Drake in the Forrest C. Soth City Council Chamber, 4755 SW Griffith Drive , Beaverton , Oregon , on Monday, February 9, 2004 , at 6:35 p.m.


Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Betty Bode, Dennis Doyle, Fred Ruby, Forrest Soth and Cathy Stanton. Also present were Chief of Staff Linda Adlard , City Attorney Alan Rappleyea , Finance Director Patrick O'Claire , Community Development Director Joe Grillo , Engineering Director Tom Ramisch , Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano, Library Director Ed House, Human Resources Director Nancy Bates, Police Chief David Bishop, Utilities Engineer Dave Winship and City Recorder Sue Nelson .


04021 - 2003 Police Department Review

Mayor Drake introduced Police Chief David Bishop. Chief Bishop presented an overview of the Police Department's programs and accomplishments for 2003.

Police Chief David Bishop said the Community Policing was the Police Department's top priority. He reported after September 11 most police departments abandoned Community Policing. He said the Police Department's working partnerships with the community, elected officials and other law enforcement agencies were critical to the Department's operation, which was why the Department was committed 100% to community-oriented, problem-solving policing.

Bishop explained there were three major divisions in the Police Department: Field Services, Support Services and Criminal Investigation. He said the majority of the Department's personnel (61%) were assigned to the Field Services Division, which was responsible for the operations of the Department. He said last year there were 110,779 calls for service, which was an increase of 6% from the previous year. He said 54% of those calls (59,928) were self-initiated officer calls. He explained when more than 50% of a department's calls were officer-initiated; it indicated the department had a very proactive form of policing. He stated Beaverton 's Police Department was committed to maintaining its proactive approach.

Bishop reviewed the programs and activities within each division:


Patrol Division : Bishop explained the Patrol Division was the first responder to calls; they took the initial reports and handled initial investigations. He stated this Division also conducted sting operations for prostitution, selling alcohol to minors, purse thefts, and joint sting operations with Tri-Met. There were 39 sting operations conducted in 2003.

Traffic Safety Team : He said the Traffic Safety Team had a staff of eight, who proactively enforced the traffic safety laws. He said they issued 40% of all traffic citations issued by officers. There were 27,575 traffic stops last year with 16,802 citations issued, which was up 12% from the previous year. He said 3,331 accidents were investigated with 424 drunken driving arrests (DUII). He noted the majority of DUII arrests were from saturation patrols and were funded by Federal grants. He explained that the team worked closely with the neighborhood associations to identify and handle traffic problems.

Crash Analysis Reconstruction Team (CART) : Bishop explained CART investigated all major accidents in Washington County and any accident involving a police officer. He said this was a multi-agency team and Beaverton had three members on CART. He said because of its high success ratio, CART was now utilized for diagramming major crime scenes. He said in 2003 CART investigated nineteen incidents.

Photo Radar : Bishop said Photo Radar monitoring averaged 300 hours per month, which was an increase of 32% from last year; 4,585 citations were issued. The Red Light Photo Radar was located at four intersections and more than 3,350 citations were issued at those intersections. He said additional intersections would be added next year.

K-9 Unit : Bishop said the K-9 Unit consisted of four officers and four canines that were trained to support officers in the field by tracking, locating evidence, and finding missing persons. He reported last year the K-9 Unit handled 1,496 calls for service, which was an increase of 25% from the previous year. He said county-wide they were establishing a scheduling process to ensure canine services were available county-wide, seven days a week.

Bicycle Patrol Unit : Bishop said this unit had two full-time officers whose responsibilities included patrolling Beaverton 's core area, the malls and special school events, and conducting bicycle safety seminars. He said this was a successful patrol unit with a good citation record.

Tri-Met Unit : Bishop said this unit had thirty-three members; two were from Beaverton . He noted Tri-Met funded this unit with no cost to the City. He added the longest stretch of the Max train track was in Beaverton (eighteen miles). The officers ride the rail back and forth working in plain clothes and in uniform.

Community Service Officers : Bishop explained this unit consisted of two officers and was responsible for transporting prisoners and parking enforcement. He said one of the unit's major accomplishments this year was video arraignment which was a big asset to the Department. Over 400 prisoners were arraigned by video this year which had enhanced safety in the Department.

Reserve and Cadet Units : Bishop reported these units combined had 37 volunteer members who donated more than 8,500 hours in 2003. Their responsibilities included Peer Court , curfew sweeps, assisting with alcohol/tobacco sting operations, patrolling high school and community events, and assisting regular officers in major incidents.

Mobile Response Team : Bishop explained this team consisted of 24 members who handled civil disturbances, preparing for regional response to Homeland Security Issues and natural disasters. This team worked in conjunction with the Sheriff's Office team. The Department received a $40,000 grant for equipment for this team. He said in 2003 the team assisted the Portland Police with presidential visits and war protests.


Record Division : Bishop explained this division operated twenty-four hours a day/seven days a week serving internal and external customers. This division was responsible for all data entry from reports and citations, confirming outstanding warrants, and processing and controlling evidence.

Training Division : Bishop said this division developed, administered and documented all mandated and specialized training for Department personnel; recruitment and training of new officers and supervised the Field Training Officers Program. In 2003, officers received 20,163 hours of training, of which 13,482 were mandated for certification. He noted this averaged 118 hours per employee.

Alarm Program : Bishop said the Department was required to issue business and residential alarm permits by City ordinance. He said the goal of this program was to reduce the volume of false alarms; 99% of the alarms were false. He noted this program would be re-evaluated in the future.

Crime Analysis : Bishop reported the Crime Analyst supported many Department functions, including officer deployment, investigations, research and planning, crime prevention and administrative support. He said this position interfaced with all divisions of the department.

Community Resource Team : Bishop stated this team's mission was to educate and assist the Department in Community Policing. In 2003, the team was involved in the Meet and Greet Program, the Revitalized Landlord Program, the Citizens Academy , the Trespass Agreement Program and the Neighborhood Watch Program. In 2004, this team will participate in the community education portion of the Identity Theft Grant.

School Resource Officers : Bishop said these officers were role models in the schools and maintained an atmosphere where teachers and students felt safe. He said they served 32 public and private schools, with a population of 30,000 students. He added they also developed the Student Academy and a summer COPP Camp for students.

Volunteer Program : Bishop stated this program was a partnership between the Police Department and the citizens. Currently, there were 70 active volunteers and 150 volunteers who could be called in an emergency; there were 5,066 hours logged of volunteer service. These volunteers assisted with the SMART Trailer Program, Peer Court , Homesafe, special projects, and community events.


Criminal Investigations Division : Bishop said this division investigated major crimes against people and property. There were 13 members in this division, some of whom worked in other divisions. He added this division worked on identity theft and fraud crimes in partnership with the Fraud and Identity Theft Enforcement Task Force, which included other Washington County agencies.

Bishop noted there were several Interagency Teams under the Investigations Division, which included:

Westside Interagency Narcotics Team : Bishop explained this team consisted of 12 members, with three from Beaverton . He said Washington County was number one in the state for identifying and processing methamphetamine labs. In 2003, they seized $6.5 million in illegal narcotics compared to $1.8 million in 2002. He noted their work load had increased 51%.

Major Crimes Team : Bishop said this team had 24 members, including two from Beaverton and staff from the District Attorney's Office. He noted this unit responded to major homicides and crimes, and officer-involved shootings. The team was activated eight times in 2003.

Tactical Negotiations Team : Bishop said this team consisted of 30 members, including five from Beaverton . He stressed this was one of the more dangerous assignments in the agency. He said last year they responded to 52 incidents, two were in Beaverton , and often they involved violent domestic situations with barricades and hostages. He said the training for this unit was serious and extreme. He said this team was selected as one of the top teams in the Northwest last year.

Gang Enforcement Team : Bishop noted this team had 25 members, two were from Beaverton . He explained this team's mission was to aggressively track, monitor and document gang members and investigate criminal activity. He said gang-related investigations had increased 24% from last year and drug arrests had increased 20%. He reported Los Angeles had 1.3 gang members per thousand; Washington County had 1.01 per thousand. He stressed there was a gang problem in this region and the agencies were working hard on it.

High Tech Crime Team : Bishop reported there was a Task Force consisting of Beaverton , Hillsboro and the FBI, which investigated criminal activity associated with computers and the Internet. He said they were looking at expanding this to include the FBI Regional Computer Forensic Team in Portland . He explained they had an aggressive undercover program investigating sex crimes with children; there were ten arrests in 2003 for child enticement and possession of child pornography.

Bishop concluded by stating 2003 was a very successful year. He said Beaverton was rated one of the safest cities in the country; 47 th out of 350 cities with populations over 75,000. He said they were very proud that the City received almost one-half million dollars in grants, which included the Identity Theft Grant ($248,375). He added the Department was averaging one arrest per night on fraud cases. He said the City was one of the top five finalists for the Webber Seavey Award for the Student Academy , which was one of the highest awards given by the International Chiefs of Police. He said the Federal government committed $76 million for at-risk children in the State of Oregon . He said based on comments by Senator Smith, he believed a large portion of these funds would go to Washington County .

Bishop thanked the Mayor and Council for their support of the Police Department. He thanked all the men and women of the Beaverton Police Department for their dedication and commitment to their jobs and the citizens of Beaverton for their help over the years. He also thanked the other agencies in the region who partnered with the Beaverton Police Department.

Coun. Soth asked about the status of the reimbursement from Homeland Security, for the expenses the City incurred.

Bishop replied the City just received a $150,000 grant from Homeland Security. He said other agencies in the County had also received funds. He said the intent was that equipment and services be shared throughout the County.

Mayor Drake explained Homeland Security was not paying retroactively for costs the way FEMA would reimburse agencies for qualified disaster expenditures. He said Homeland Security was handled through an application process for equipment, training or specific personnel. He explained the City's Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) position was funded by a Federal grant.

Coun. Soth asked how many personnel in the Department were graduates of the FBI Academy or would attend in the next year.

Bishop responded there were four or five graduates, and one was attending next month.

Coun. Soth asked how the extended training period for recruits and new officers was affecting the Department.

Bishop stated it was working well. He explained the Police Academy handled the basic academy. He said they were negotiating to have management and supervisory classes provided through Portland State University and Portland Community College .

Coun. Soth asked how many officers had been to the disaster training courses in Maryland .

Bishop replied all the lieutenants and some of the sergeants had been to similar schools. He noted this was on-going training and was funded by Homeland Security.

Coun. Soth complimented all the people in the Police Department for a great job.

Coun. Stanton noted 1% of the alarms for residences and commercial building were legitimate; she asked if the alarm companies could be charged for the false alarms.

Bishop explained the alarm companies were very cooperative and the Department would schedule a meeting with the shareholders regarding changing business practices. He said the problem was that those who set off the alarms were the business owners or staff, or the residents, and the alarm companies questioned why they should pay for that person's mistake.

Coun. Stanton asked about the percentage of car alarms.

Bishop said they did not track that information as the Department was not often called to car alarms.

Coun. Stanton asked how many of the hostage calls were in Washington County compared to in the City.

Bishop replied there were two hostage incidents in Beaverton last year.

Coun. Stanton asked if the community resource officers went to the Head Start pre-schools.

Bishop explained they only assigned officers to the elementary and high schools. He noted this unit also had a drug dog.

Coun. Bode asked Bishop to talk about the Department's recruitment plans to replace several officers who recently retired.

Bishop replied they liked to promote from within the Department and they trained staff to move into promotional positions. He said they would continue recruiting for entry positions as needed.

Coun. Doyle said he was happy to hear about the rebirth of the Landlord Program. He asked if part of the grant money could go to Beaverton Together.

Bishop responded he thought Beaverton Together and similar organizations, would administer part of the funds.

Coun. Doyle commented that the public would be alarmed if they knew the extent of the drug problems in the neighborhoods.

Bishop noted 80% of crimes were drug related.

Coun. Doyle thanked the entire Police Force for an excellent job.

Mayor Drake asked about volunteering opportunities within the Police Department.

Bishop replied there were many volunteer opportunities within the Department. He asked that anyone interested contact Volunteer Coordinator Sue Hayes in the Police Department.

Mayor Drake thanked him for the presentation.


Reverend Ja West, Beaverton , thanked the Beaverton Police Department for providing extra patrols in her area. She said she was the most politically incorrect person in the country.

Pavel Goberman, Beaverton , said he wanted to hold a meeting at the Library to speak to senior citizens about new prescription drug policies. He said he filled out the City's room reservation application and he questioned why he had to pay the room use fee. He stated this meeting would not promote his business and he was not profiting from this meeting. He said it was an informational meeting only.

Chief of Staff Linda Adlard explained the City had an extensive room policy for all of the City's meeting rooms. She said the policy was designed to categorize an applicant's business or lecture series; depending on the information in the application, an applicant was categorized as to the type of use. She noted the deposit and fees were set based on those categories. She asked Goberman to put his request in writing and bring it in to the Mayor's Office and it would be determined if he could use the room. She said that displaying literature about services offered or suggesting future purchases to the people at the meeting was not allowed. She said if it was a lecture series the City would probably be able to accommodate him but a deposit would be required.

Goberman replied he would pay the deposit but he didn't feel he should pay a fee.

Mayor Drake explained everyone was required to pay the deposit in the event of potential damage to the room. He noted Goberman had spoken to him and the Council about the services he sold, so the application might have been interpreted to mean he was promoting his business. He emphasized the public meeting rooms were for non-profit use only; promotion of products or services was not allowed.

Goberman said this meeting was to benefit senior citizens by giving them information on prescription drug policies and fitness. He said he was not promoting his business.

Mayor Drake asked Goberman to resubmit his application and be clear that he was not promoting his products or services.

Goberman thanked the Mayor.


Coun. Stanton invited everyone to visit the Library and view the artwork displayed for the Beaverton Art Commission's Showcase.

Coun. Stanton asked about the status report on Traffic Commission Item 500, which involved a left turn lane restriction on Greenway Drive into the Albertson's store near the corner of Hall Avenue and Greenway Drive . She asked if the left turn restriction would stay in place during this extension of time before analysis and recommendation.

Engineering Director Tom Ramisch explained it was intended that the left turn restriction would stay in place until the construction on 125 th Avenue was completed and traffic had time to resume its normal course and volume. He explained once that happened, time was needed to monitor the traffic and gather data for reevaluation. He said once the data was reevaluated staff would prepare a recommendation to Council on the final disposition on that turn restriction.

Coun. Stanton asked if any thought was given to leaving the stop sign at 125 th instead of putting in a signal. She said the neighbors liked the stop sign; it was slowing the traffic and it was easier to enter and exit Greenway Drive .

Ramisch replied that would entail an engineering analysis since the signal there would be replaced. He noted the School District would probably want to provide input.

Mayor Drake noted there was a dynamic interaction with the Sorrento and Brockman intersections; the two interplayed. He said having the signal in place provided the opportunity for cars going south on Sorrento to go east or west; otherwise, the traffic was continuous.

Coun. Doyle said he had citizens comment to him about keeping the four-way stop, but on further discussion the need for the signal was noted during the rush hour.

Coun. Stanton noted Council received an e-mail complimenting the City's on its professional and comprehensive Web page. She asked that the Web Manage r b e given a copy of the e-mail.


There were none.


Coun. Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that the Consent Agenda be approved as follows:

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 2, 2004 .

Coun. Soth commended the City Recorder's staff, noting it was the first time he could recall having the minutes from the previous meeting ready at the next meeting. He said he thought that was very good.

Coun. Doyle said he concurred with that commendation.

04022 - Authorize the Mayor to Sign Letter Agreement with ODOT Regarding City Reimbursement for Utility Relocation in Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway / Highway 217 ( Beaverton/Tigard Hwy ) to Multnomah/Washington County Line

04023 - Liquor License Application: New Outlet - Hooters Restaurant

04025 - Liquor License Renewals - Annual Renewals

Question called on the motion. Couns. Bode, Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. (5:0)


Suspend Rules:

Coun. Stanton MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that the rules be suspended, and that the ordinance embodied in Agenda Bill 04024 be read for the first time by title only at this meeting, and for the second time by title only at the next regular meeting of the Council. Couns. Bode, Doyle, Soth, Ruby and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. (5:0)

First Reading :

04024 - An Ordinance Adopting the JWC Water Service Agreement as Amended, the Tigard Joinder Agreement and the Barney Joint Ownership Agreement (Ordinance No. 4288)

Second Reading :

Rappleyea read the following ordinance for the second time by title only:

04020 - An Ordinance Annexing Property Generally Located at 8200 SW Scholls Ferry Road and Commonly Referred to as Redtail Golf Course Plus Portions of SW Hall Boulevard and SW Oleson Road Rights-of-Way to the City of Beaverton: Expedited Annexation 2003-0008 (Ordinance No. 4287)

Coun. Stanton MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that the ordinance embodied in Agenda Bill 04020, now pass. Roll call vote. Couns. Bode, Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. (5:0)


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


Sue Nelson, City Recorder


Approved this 1st day of March, 2004.

Rob Drake, Mayor