APRIL 19, 2004


The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob Drake in the Forrest C. Soth City Council Chamber, 4755 SW Griffith Drive , Beaverton , Oregon , on Monday, April 19, 2004 , at 6:35 p.m.


Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Dennis Doyle, Fred Ruby, and Forrest Soth. Councilors Betty Bode and Cathy Stanton were excused. Also present were City Attorney Alan Rappleyea , Finance Director Patrick O'Claire , Community Development Director Joe Grillo , Engineering Director Tom Ramisch , Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano , Library Director Ed House, Police Chief David Bishop, City Recorder Sue Nelson , Utilities Engineer David Winship and Project Engineer Mark Boguslawski.


04072 - Presentation on Potential Regional Stormwater Detention Facility North of Sunset Highway

A result of significant land development north of the Sunset Highway has increased water runoff from impervious surfaces into North Johnson Creek and Cedar Mill Creek. In times of heavy rainfall water volume within the creeks exceeds capacity and floods portions of the Cedar Hills area, and areas upstream and downstream of the Nike campus. A means of controlling flooding would be to build a Regional Stormwater Detention Facility north of the Sunset Highway and south of Barnes Road in the vicinity of the Teufel property. The natural lead participant in creating a Regional Stormwater Detention Facility would be Clean Water Services.

Mayor Drake said this presentation was to update the Council concerning the Teufel project and issues related to it and also what had happened to the urban unincorporated areas and the areas that were urbanized; the law dealing with hydrology had changed compared to the last twenty years. He said this project was identified by Washington County as a project that needed to be done, but had not been funded. He introduced Engineering Director Tom Ramisch and Project Engineer Mark Boguslawski.

Ramisch said the regional facility was a facility in concept that would be north of the Sunset Highway, northeast of the Teufel property. (He referred to the map.) He said with the annexation of the Teufel property, they questioned how the property would be developed and would the surface be contained. He said there was a meeting with Clean Water Services, ODOT, Washington County and the City that talked about the concept; there was a general interest in the hydraulics. He said the question was who would champion the project; since the detention basin was outside the City, he did not feel it should be a City CIP (Capital Improvement Project). He said a lot of the area that would benefit from this project was outside the City limits; Clean Water Services would be the appropriate lead agency for the project. He said ODOT would be involved for its street widening project was about to begin. He said if someone would step up as a regional sponsor, the project could move quickly to the benefit of people both up and down stream.

Coun. Soth referred to the area to the West and asked if that property had been designated for mitigation for a Light Rail project.

Boguslawski said that was correct. He said part of the property was owned by the Wetlands Conservancy and private property owners.

Mayor Drake asked if he would highlight the apartment complex (referring to the large map).

Boguslawski said it was unfortunate that homes were in that area for they were prone to flooding and units were below the flood point.

Boguslawski said the agenda was a brief discussion on the developing watershed, general location of the proposed property, brief floodplain study history, photographs of the watershed flooding areas, the time concern, and the concept description of proposed facility (in the record).

Boguslawski said in 1984 the area was heavily forested with steep terrain. He showed photographs of the Cedar Mills Creek Watershed 1984, 1990, 1994, 1997, and 2002. He said the watershed was close to 50% impervious; more impervious cover would result in more surface water runoff and more flooding downstream. He continued with slides of the Nike, Reser's Foods and Teufel properties in relation to the potential regional stormwater detention facility site. He said current Floodplain mapping was available from FEMA's web site. He said the rainstorms of January 31, 2003 , had been one of the worst storms resulting in flooding of SW Prefecta Avenue (Willow Brook Apartments), SW Evergreen Street (13500 block) and Commonwealth Lake . He said many of the residents were now in the five-year floodplain. He said the time concern was ODOT's Highway 26 Improvement Project to Cornell Road ( the project will begin in May 2004) and the proposed Teufel site development. He said the Teufel site could be developed in the potential detention storage area.

Boguslawski said the project was described in the Beaverton Creek Watershed Management Plan. He continued with slides that showed the existing concrete seven-foot by seven-foot box; and a second box culvert, eight-foot wide by four-foot tall by 250-foot long, across the Highway 26 freeway. He said that would assure protection of the roadway and provide relief of flooding for the apartment complex upstream. He said it would exacerbate the flooding downstream including flooding the Nike Campus and Reser's Fine Foods as well as residential homes. He said the culvert was scheduled for construction in May. He said ODOT said the culvert would be blocked on both sides in the interim until the whole project is straightened out; but he felt that would be a lot of money spent for something that may not be necessary.

Coun. Soth asked what was the offfically adopted FEMA flood plain.

 Boguslawski said FEMA recommended the most restrictive.

Coun. Soth said in the Beaverton Creek area the CORPS of Engineers had one figure and they had to go through a three year process to get it adopted. He asked if Clean Water Services now considered this as a "basin approach" to stormwater and run-off.

Boguslawski replied that was correct.

Coun. Soth said with this type of approach, the affect to the properties downstream would multiply, affecting the Nike and Reser's properties.

Boguslawski said he ran this concept past a room of water resources professionals; he had not received any negative feedback.

Coun. Doyle asked what would be the next step.

Ramisch said the next step would be to continue to discuss this with Clean Water Services and at the regional level with Washington County .

Coun. Doyle asked what the City could do to push the project along; especially at the State level.

Mayor Drake said he had lived there since 1962 and the area had changed drastically. He said there was not much open land left and homes were backed up to the creek. He said very little of the land was in the City. He said they had a great working relationship with Clean Water Services and ODOT.

Coun. Doyle said he hoped the public picked up on this post haste. He thanked Boguslawski for bringing it forward.


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There were none.


Coun.Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Ruby that the Consent Agenda be approved as follows:

Minutes of the Regular Meetings of April 5 and April 12, 2004 .

04066 - Approval of the City of Beaverton 2004 Action Plan Submission to Washington County (HUD: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Programs)

04067 - Social Service Funding Committee Recommendations

Question called on the motion. Couns. Doyle, Ruby, Soth voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. (3:0)

Suspend Rules:

Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun.Ruby, that the rules be suspended, and that the ordinances embodied in Agenda Bills 04068, 04069, 04070, and 04071 be read for the first time by title only at this meeting, and for the second time by title only at the next regular meeting of the Council. Couns. Doyle, Soth and Ruby voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. (3:0)

First Reading :
City Attorney Alan Rappleyea read the following ordinance for the first time by title only:

04068 - An Ordinance Annexing Property Generally Located on the West Side of SW Murray Boulevard, North of SW Walker Road, to the City of Beaverton: Expedited Annexation 2004-0001 (Ordinance No. 4297)

04069 - An Ordinance Annexing Property Generally Located at 1020 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard to the City of Beaverton : Expedited Annexation 2004-0002 (Ordinance No. 4298)

04070 - An Ordinance Annexing Property Generally Located at 11115 SW Center Street to the City of Beaverton : Expedited Annexation 2004-0003 (Ordinance No. 4299)

04071 - An Ordinance Annexing Property Generally Located at 16300 SW Nora Road to the City of Beaverton : Expedited Annexation 2004-0004 (Ordinance No. 4300)

Second Reading :
Rappleyea read the following ordinances for the second time by title only:

04064 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2050, the Development Code, Chapter 20 (Land Use) and 90 (Definitions); TA 2004-0002 ( Regional Center Commuter Rail Text Amendments) (Ordinance No. 4295)

04065 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 4187, Figure III-I, the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Ordinance No. 2050, the Zoning Map for Property Located at 1250 NW Waterhouse Avenue, CPA 2003-0018/ZMA 2003-0020 (Ordinance No. 4296)

Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Doyle, that the ordinances embodied in Agenda Bills 04064 and 04065, now pass. Roll call vote. Couns. Doyle, Ruby and Soth voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. (3:0)


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Sue Nelson, City Recorder


Approved this 3rd day of May, 2004.

Rob Drake, Mayor