MAY 12, 2003     Rob Fred Ruby, and F.    b      Betty Bode         -16, 2003)  -  - 24, 2003
At 6:00 p.m. the City Council met and Police Lieutenant David Gilbert conducted the
Annual Inspection of the Police Department Holding Facility.  Present at the inspection
were:  Mayor
Drake, Couns. Dennis Doyle,
orrest Soth.  Also
present was City Recorder Sue Nelson
The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Ro
Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton,
Oregon, on Monday, May 12, 2003, at 6:30 p.m.   
Present were Mayor Drake, Couns.  Dennis Doyle, Fred Ruby, Forrest Soth and Cathy
Stanton.  Coun.
was excused.  Also present were Chief of Staff Linda Adlard,
City Attorney Mark Pilliod, Finance Director Patrick O’Claire, Community Development
Director Joe Grillo, Engineering Director Tom Ramisch, Operations/Maintenance Director
Gary Brentano, Human Resources Director Sandra Miller, Library Director Ed House,
Police Chief David Bishop and City Recorder Sue Nelson.
Mayor Drake declared the following proclamations:
Peace Officers’ Memorial Day (May 15, 2003) and Police Week (May 12
Workplace Safety Awareness Day
May 14, 2003
Emergency Medical Services Week (May 18
National Bike Month (May, 2003) and Bike to Work Day (May 16, 2003)
Metro West Ambulance Plaque to City Council
 - Minutes Page 2   Services (EMS)Ctheir VIP Ride-the 50th,.   Mathe    Chair of WCdated   03110   n said this was the 9th year the City thUSA Award.  Worley.   able behalf of the A  Maward.  tcarrying out Co this        Dan Zenkaed thank help   edu     and he ed
Beaverton City Council
May 12, 2003
Mark Prinzmetal, Supervisor, and Tamara Schurter, Paramedic, Metro West Ambulance,
presented a plaque to the City for its commitment and support of Emergency Medical
.  Schurter reviewed the services and health care EMS workers provided
to the citizens.  She thanked the Council for the EMS Week proclamation and for its
continued support of EMS workers and services.  She invited the
ouncil to participate in
Along Program during EMS Week and to come to
Year Celebration
Barbecue on May 22, 2003, at 3:00 p.m.
at their Hillsboro Office
yor Drake thanked them and noted Metro West did a good job and worked well with
City and Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue.
Coun. Soth expressed appreciation as the
ounty Consoli
Communications Agency (WCCCA) which governed the dispatch center.  He said they
appreciated their work and cooperation with WCCCA.
Tree City USA Award
Operations Landscape Supervisor Steve Brenna
e Tree City
He introduced Jay
, Oregon Department of
Forestry (ODF)
Worley said the State appreciated the City’s efforts to make the community more liv
and beautiful through its tree programs.  He presented the award and flag to the City on
rbor Day Foundation and the Oregon Department of Forestry. 
yor Drake noted the Council strongly supported and protected its tree resources.  He
thanked Worley for the a
Coun. Stanton
hanked Brennan for
uncil policy and protecting
valuable asset. 
, Beaverton, said he represented Citizens for Education Support and thank
the Mayor and Council for their support of the School District’s operating levy.   He
ed the Police Department for their
on Saturday with the “Standup for Education”
Event.  He said they had more than 2200 participants spread out
over 49 intersections and
it all went smoothly.  He spoke on the strong grass roots movement to support
and on the importance of economic development to provide a strong financial base for
services that citizens have come to expect.  He urged that citizens vote yes on the
education levy. 
Coun. Soth said he had five boys that went through the Beaverton School District
the education system. 
Coun. Doyle thanked the Citizens for Education Support for putting on the event.
Coun. Stanton said she wanted an educated public in the work force and was willing to
contribute her share towards education.
 - Minutes Page 3          enior PChurch--'aid a whole-was to not to bof     his bicycle tee-shirt and I .
Beaverton City Council
May 12, 2003
Mayor Drake thanked Zenka for their work.
Reverend Ja West said she had been in Oregon for one year.  She asked if the City could
donate a building for a shelter for her church, The Saints of United Missions.  She spoke
about Dr. Mathews from Georgetown and his writings about Christians. 
Reverend Mary Sue Evers, Beaverton, said she was the S
astor at Cedar Hills
of Christ and a fairly new Beaverton resident.  She said it was a wonderful
surprise to find Beaverton was a thriving multi
ethnic community.  She said
she came to give her opinion on the Mayors
Prayer Breakfast.  She s
Jesus offered
hearted inclusion and acceptance and she believed to exclude others in his name
e as Christian as possible.  She suggested in this community many forms
spirituality could be honored and she hoped events like this would be inclusive of all the
diversity in Beaverton. 
Hal Ballard, Beaverton BIKE Task Force, noted he was wearing
shared with Council excerpts from a poem “All I Needed To Know About Life,
From My Bicycle
  He spoke about the Task Force
the City was doing to
promote bicycling in Beaverton.  He presente
Mayor Drake thanked him for his many years on the Bicycle
, Beaverton, said he commended Coun. Ruby
his interest in upholding the
onstitution but said he could not agree with him that the Mayor was violating
spirit of the Constitution concerning the recent Prayer Breakfast
  He said the court case of
Newman vs. City of East Point, Georgia,
hich Coun. Ruby referred to
ruled that such a
breakfast program could be called the Mayor
akfast as long as it was not
endorsed by the city.  He said he attended the Mayors’ Breakfast for many years and the
Mayor spoke as the officia
eeter for the City; there wasn’t any
eligious content to the
Mayor’s speech.  He said if taxpayer
money or staff time was used to put on the
would have crossed the line.  He said having the Mayor or any City official give the
official greeting did not violate the spirit of the
mendment.  He said the Mayors’
Prayer Breakfast did not have any
overnment expenditures involved;
money had been spent in the East Point case.
Coun. Ruby said he thought Kane’s points were fair and the Georgia case
Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast was constitutional as long as there wasn’t any
y support for
rogram.  Ruby said originally
was concerned because the Mayor’s Executive
Assistant was on the Planning Committee for the event and he observed promotional
posters for the event posted in City Hall.  He said he resolved the issues
the Mayor assured him City staff had not
rogram on City time.  He said the
instructed staff to remove unauthorized posters.  He said he accepted that the
rogram met the requirements of the Constitution; whether or not it violated the spirit of
the Constitution was a subject of principled differences of opinion.  He said the most
important issue was that
rogram should reach out to all faiths in the community.
Kane commended him
 - Minutes Page 4  ton,           s    Kaufman.         ny     Enfand isaid Beavertoneight. he wasBeaverton the  Claire the budget document           03111 CUP 2002-
Beaverton City Council
May 12, 2003
Francine Kaufman, Beaver
asked the name of the television company that
broadcasted the Council’s meetings and when the rebroadcasts could be seen on cable
Mayor Drake replied the cable company was TVTV and she could call them to get
program listing information.
Kaufman noted the City supported community policing and asked where she could access
information about the policing districts and how many officers were assigned to each
Police Chief Dave Bishop explained that statistical information from the districts was on
the Web site.  He said this included crime statistics and the number of officers assigned to
various district
.  He explained the districts were established based on calls for service.
Mayor Drake suggested that Chief Bishop designate an officer to assist
Bishop noted Lieutenant O’Keefe was available to answer her questions.
Coun. Stanton noted that Family Art Afternoon would be this Saturday, from 2:30 to 4:30
p.m., at the Beaverton Library, with ma
activities offered.  She invited everyone to
Chief of Staff Linda Adlard said she testified in Salem today on the final Red Light Photo
orcement Bill.  She said it passed out of the Judiciary Committee with two “no” votes
should go to the floor
n a few days.  She said if it passed on the floor it would go into
law.  She
the Bill would allow
to increase the intersections from four to
  She noted the Economic Development Bill would be on the Senate floor tomorrow. 
She said both of these bills went through Max Williams’ Committee;
a great help to
and represented
citizens well.  She asked the Council to thank Mr.
Finance Director Patrick O’
was distributed on Friday. 
He added the budget meetings were Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and would start at
6:30 p.m.
Coun. Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that the Consent Agenda be approved
as follows:
Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 7, 2003.
0027 Progress Quarry Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit
Development/Outline Concept Plan
 - Minutes Page 5   03112 CUP 2002-  03113 SB 2002-  03114 TPP 2002-  e  03116 -)  03117 3717 )    03118 --  noted , for mShebe incr  Mayor  no one likedthe  City -do the the citizensre.         Susp
Beaverton City Council
May 12, 2003
0028 Progress Quarry Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit
Development/Preliminary Development Plan
0016 Progress Quarry Subdivision Preliminary Plat
0006 Progress Quarry Tree Preservation Plan
03115  Authorize Mayor to Sign Intergovernmental Agreement Wilsonville to Beaverton
Commuter Rail Project and Realignment of S.W. Lombard Avenu
Resolution Supporting City of Beaverton 2003
2005 Transportation and Growth
Management Grant Application (Resolution No. 3716
A Resolution Increasing the Water Service Fee (Shutting Off and Restoring Water
Service) (Resolution No.
Contract Review Board:
Bid Award
Fire Hydrant Replacement Program Contract No. 3
CIP Project Number
Coun. Stanton
concerning Agenda Bill 03117
any years there was a $7.00
reconnection fee if a customer’s water was disconnected.  She said the actual cost for this
service was closer to $40.00. 
thanked staff for updating the fee and noted other fees
were being reviewed.  She said this was a big increase and she preferred fees
Drake said her point was well taken for
to increase fees.  He noted
majority of calls for reconnection were during the weekend; per Union contract the
was required to pay a two
hour minimum for employees to come in and
reconnections, which was very expensive.  He said they were not insensitive to
but there was a need to
cover these costs
Question called on motion.  Couns. Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the
MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (4:0)
end Rules:
Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Ruby that the rules be suspended and that
the ordinances embodied in Agenda Bills 03119 and 03120 be read for the first time by
title only at this meeting and for the second time by title only at the next regular meeting of
the Council.  Couns. Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED
unanimously (4:0)
 - Minutes Page 6     Pilliod saidht-of-He     03119 -   03120 -                            day of June, 2003.
Beaverton City Council
May 12, 2003
First Reading:
City Attorney Mark
on Agenda Bill 03119, Exhibit C of the staff report referred
to a section of County rig
way that was part of this annexation.  He said the report
was intended to include the letter from Washington County indicating its consent to the
gave the City Council and City Recorder copies of the letter.
Pilliod read the following ordinances for the first time by title only:
An Ordinance Annexing Property Lying Generally Outside of the Existing City Limits to the
City of Beaverton; ANX 2003
0001 (6945 SW Scholls Ferry Road Expedited Annexation)
(Ordinance No. 4253).
An Ordinance Annexing Property Lying Generally Outside of the Existing City Limits to the
City of Beaverton; ANX 2003
0002 (8904 SW Canyon Road Expedited Annexation)
(Ordinance No. 4254)
There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Sue Nelson, City Recorder
Approved this 16th
Rob Drake, Mayor