MARCH 3, 2003
The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob
Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton,
Oregon, on Monday, March 3, 2003, at 6:40 p.m.
Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Betty Bode, Forrest Soth and Cathy Stanton.  Couns.
Dennis Doyle and Fred Ruby were excused. Also present were Chief of Staff Linda
Adlard, City Attorney Mark Pilliod, Assistant City Attorney Bill Scheiderich, Finance
Director Patrick O'Claire, Community Development Director Joe Grillo, Engineering
Director Tom Ramisch, Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano, Human
Resources Director Sandra Miller, Library Director Ed House, Police Chief David Bishop,
Principal Planner Hal Bergsma, Utilities Engineer David Winship, and City Recorder Sue
Sandra Camley, Beaverton, said she was a will-call service customer and this service was
standardized last summer to include garbage, yard debris and recycling.  She said that
will-call customers were not advised of the standardization; it was not in the newspaper or
Your City.  She said will-call customers had used the garbage service and not realized the
rates had increased.  She asked that the City send a notice to the will-call customers 
informing them of the solid waste services available so that they would receive recycling
containers by Earth Day next month.  
Chief of Staff Linda Adlard explained she had numerous discussions with Camley and
appreciated her comments.  She noted the City had less than 200 will-call customers and
had received no other complaints from those customers.  She said the City asked the
garbage haulers to provide specific information on services to the will-call customers.  She
confirmed the will-call customers could select all three services but many had selected
garbage service only.  She said if Council so directed they could look at providing a flyer;
but Ms. Camley was the only one that had made that request. 
Mayor Drake suggested the franchisees provide the information.
Adlard said she would to ask the haulers and explained she was not certain it could be
required under the franchise agreement.  She noted that if they printed additional
information there would be an additional cost.
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Coun. Stanton asked that Adlard contact the franchisees about providing the information
and determining the cost.
Harry Bodine, Cedar Mill, distributed to Council copies of the report for the proposed
Cedar Mill Library Service District.  He referred to financial information in the report and
spoke briefly on funding issues pertaining to the proposed district.  He advised that the
changes to the formula for allocating WCCLS funds had a serious impact on the Cedar
Mill library and questioned if a library service district was the only way to save the Cedar
Mill library.  He explained he was seeking support for this project and offered to discuss
this with Council later.  
Coun. Stanton said she wanted to give him hope because she supported libraries.  She
noted though the City could not provide funding, Bodine had their firm commitment to work
with him to strengthen all County libraries. 
Bodine thanked her and explained his focus of concern was the formula for allocating
County funds.  He stated the City had been a good partner and he was eager to hear
Council’s comments on the report.
Coun. Soth noted Bodine was talking about the allocation of present funds from the
previous WCCLS levy.  He asked how the formula would change.
Bodine explained that under the old formula, 92% of the funding was based on circulation
figures.  He said the formula was changed so that 72% of funding was based on
circulation and the remainder came from other factors, some of which did not deal with
library service.  He said this change to the formula was currently being studied.
Mayor Drake explained the Council Library Advisory Board (CLAB) would make a
recommendation to the County Commission and the City had a representative on CLAB. 
He noted Bodine had spoken to the Washington County Managers and was an excellent
advocate for community libraries.  He added this was a difficult issue because the WCCLS
levy failed in the last election, which harmed many libraries and necessitated another
review of the funding formula.
Coun. Stanton read the proclamation for National Wildlife Refuge Commemoration on
March 14 –15, 2003.  She urged that everyone visit wildlife refuge areas.
Norman Penner, Tigard, Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, thanked the Mayor and
Council for recognizing this event.  He explained that the Refuge was not yet open to the
public.  He said that $750,000 in funding was received for the development of safe access
and an entry to the refuge, which would be constructed next year.  He noted this
Commemoration Event would be celebrated at the Refuge on March 14 and a tree-
planting event would occur on March 15, 2003.  He invited all the Council to attend.
Coun. Bode read the proclamation for Read Across America Day, March 3, 2003.  She
expressed her strong support for this event.
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Mayor Drake proclaimed Iranian New Year Celebration Day – March 20, 2003
Mayor Drake called for a brief recess at 7:15 p.m.
Mayor Drake reconvened the meeting at 7:20 p.m.
114th Avenue Area Redevelopment Plan Project
Principal Planner Hal Bergsma introduced Robert Yakas, Robert Yakas Design, and G. B.
Arrington and Patrick Sweeney, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc., consultants
for the 114th Avenue Area Redevelopment Plan Project
Bergsma reported that in 2001 the City received a Transportation and Growth
Management (TGM) Grant to prepare a redevelopment plan for a portion of the Downtown
Regional Center (114th Avenue, between Canyon Road and Center Street).  He said the
project goal was to create favorable conditions for the continued development of
Beaverton’s core area, and to create a signature development project as the gateway into
downtown Beaverton.  He reviewed the location of the project and the area’s positive
features, including good visibility and access, mixed-use potential, higher density
residential potential north of Hall Creek, the Hall Creek Greenway which could be a major
amenity, and the Arts and Communication Magnet School which was a cultural amenity. 
He explained there were 28 property owners in this area.   He noted parcel assembly or
joint development agreements were needed to achieve redevelopment. 
Robert Yakas, Robert Yakas Design, explained they conducted on-site investigations to
determine the status and character of the area and studied the Code regulations.  He
reviewed a colored diagram that indicated the uses and features of the area.
Bergsma presented pictures on the views of the area from various streets and directions. 
He reviewed the process required by the TGM Contract and said the project would go the
Planning Commission for public hearings in late April.  
Yakas reviewed the recommendations for successful redevelopment (in record).  Major
recommendations included keeping the project centrally focused, ensuring people were
attracted to the site, development of ground floor retail with high-quality streetscape and
landscaping, and public and private sector leadership.  
Bergsma reviewed the final recommended alternatives (in record).  He noted the major
differences between the alternatives were the 114thSteet/115th Street connection,
proposed densities and the mixed uses.  He said densities and uses were determined by
regulations and market.  He stated Concept F was the Advisory Committee and staff
preferred alternative. 
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Bergsma reported on the issues considered in this project which included: the 114th
Street/115th Street connection; the 114th Street/117th Street connection; impacts on Carr
Subaru; relocation of the garbage hauler; multiple property owners; cost of structured
parking; and light rail access.  
Bergsma described the preferred alternative, Concept F, in detail (in record).  He said the
estimated cost of public investment was $5.8 million, which could generate between $80
to $100 million in private investment.   He reviewed funding strategies available to the City
that included the MTIP Grant for street improvements and the Vertical Mixed-Use Tax
Abatement Program. 
Bergsma presented marketing strategies that could be utilized.  For the public sector, he
said the Council needed to provide formal support for the project, public funding would be
investigated and the City would work with Tri-Met on the light rail station.  He said the
private sector needed to work together on development and marketing agreements.  The
two sectors would work together to develop promotional materials. 
Bergsma summarized the Steps to Completion for the project that included development
of a common vision, Council approval of the Plan, implementation meetings, undertaking
redevelopment efforts, and the design, permitting and construction of the project. 
Coun. Soth asked what the reaction of the property owners had been to either selling to
one of the major owners or entering into a joint venture to do the improvements.  
Bergsma replied that most were willing to consider participation but had not made any
definite commitment.  He noted some had not participated in the process, including The
Asian Market.  He said staff had responded to concerns presented by Subaru.  
Coun. Soth asked if the connection between 114th and 117th Streets would place a cloud
on any potential property purchase of land on that connection.  
Bergsma explained that this plan kept the connection on the map though property owners
were advised that the City would not pursue it at this time.  
Coun. Stanton asked if they had received the property owners’ buy-in on the preferred
Bergsma replied they had not.  He noted the plurality on the Committee favored Concept
F, but not the majority.    
Coun. Stanton asked that staff go beyond the State and local Code requirements when
notifying property owners of the upcoming hearings.
Bergsma replied all owners would be notified of the work session and public hearings. 
Coun. Stanton asked if there had been any discussion about doing this as a master plan.  
Bergsma said the intent was that this be part of the Downtown Regional Center
Community Plan, which was part of the Comprehensive Plan.  
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Coun. Stanton said she thought the offices should be located closer to the station.  
Mayor Drake explained this plan was for the next ten to twenty years and this area was
part of the regional center.  He said he felt Metro could be convinced that this was the right
place for a station.  He noted that the School District had shown interest in having the rail
stop there for the Arts and Communications School.  He said the interest in the station,
densities and uses would support putting the stop there.  
Coun. Bode asked for comments on the residential densities in this area and who would
live in this area.  She stressed she was looking for credible, decent housing for Beaverton.    
Yakas replied they considered all the factors Bode mentioned though the project was not
at the detail stage.  He said the Plan included land uses, mixed uses and densities to
create opportunities for livability.  He noted a lot would depend on the market.  He said
that Arbor Gardens in Hillsboro integrated a high quality of livability.  He said the
development community was experiencing the need to create mixed-use developments
with a high quality of livability.    
G.B. Arrington, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc., consultant, reviewed similar
mixed-use projects with similar densities done in other areas.  He spoke on the social
changes that have spurred the development of urban centers in the last decade.  Projects
he reviewed were: Arlington Heights, Chicago; Bethesda, Washington, D.C.; Inglewood,
Denver; Market Common, Clareton; Phillips Place, Charlotte; Pentagon Row, Arlington
County; Mockingbird, Dallas; and Paseo Colorado, Pasadena.  
Coun. Soth asked how many of these areas had land use laws like the State of Oregon. 
He also questioned how people could get away from one another in high-density
developments, other than staying in their apartments.
Arrington stated that except for Dallas, Texas, each of these jurisdictions were very
sophisticated and progressive, though the planning frameworks were different.  He
stressed that the City needed to be a full partner for this to occur.  He said that planning
included identifying the people who wanted to live in these areas and that the fastest
growing housing segment in the next decade was expected to be urban dwellers.    
Coun. Bode thanked everyone for the presentation.
Mayor Drake called for a brief recess at 8:40 p.m.
Mayor Drake reconvened the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
There were none.
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There were none.
Mayor Drake noted Agenda Bill 03059 was pulled for separate consideration.
Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Stanton, that the Consent Agenda be
approved as follows:
Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 10, 2003
Review and Approval of Revised Bylaws for Beaverton’s Committee for Citizen
Involvement (CCI)  Pulled for separate consideration. 
Contract Review Board:
Engineering Consultant Contract Award and Construction Contract Change Order
Approval Without Competitive Bidding – Canyon Road (Tualatin Valley Highway) from
Hocken Avenue to 117th Avenue Waterline Replacement
Question called on the motion.  Couns. Bode, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION
CARRIED unanimously. (3:0)  Coun. Stanton abstained from voting on the minutes
because she was not at that meeting.  
Review and Approval of Revised Bylaws for Beaverton’s Committee for Citizen
Involvement (CCI) - Pulled for separate consideration. 
Marv Doty, Chair, Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), introduced CCI members
George Russell, Catherine Arnold, Jim Persey, and Bob Tenner.  He stated they all
worked on the bylaws and noted he was very proud of this team.  He thanked the Mayor, 
Council, and staff for their help.  He offered special thanks to Chief of Staff Linda Adlard
and Coun. Stanton for their advisory work this past year.  He concluded that he was proud
to work with the City and looked forward to assisting the City and encouraging increased
citizen involvement in the development and planning areas.   
Mayor Drake thanked them for their work and said it was enjoyable working with them.  
Coun. Stanton MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that Council approve Agenda Bill
03059, Review and Approval of Revised Bylaws for Beaverton’s Committee for Citizen
Involvement (CCI).  Couns. Bode, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, MOTION CARRIED
unanimously.  (3:0)
Suspend Rules:
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Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun.  Bode  that the rules be suspended, and that
the ordinance embodied in Agenda Bill 03061 be read for the first time by title only at this
meeting, and for the second time by title only at the next regular meeting of the Council. 
Couns. Bode,  Soth and Stanton Voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (3:0)
First Reading:
City Attorney Mark Pilliod read the following ordinance for the first time by title only:
An Ordinance Amending Beaverton Code Chapter Two Relating to Boards and
Commissions and to the Committee for Citizen Involvement (Ordinance No. 4247)
Second Reading:
Pilliod read the following ordinance for the second time by title only:
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2050, The Development Code, Chapter 20; TA
2002-0006 (Precision Holdings LLP) (Ordinance No. 4246) 
Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Stanton that the ordinance embodied in
Agenda Bill 03057 now pass.  Roll call vote.  Couns. Bode, Soth and Stanton voting AYE,
the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (3:0)
Adlard asked that the Councilors who were attending Wednesday evening’s function call
her to discuss the two bills from Legislative Counsel.    
There being no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was
adjourned at 8:55 p.m.  
Sue Nelson, City Recorder
Approved this 31st day of March, 2003.
Rob Drake, Mayor