FEBRUARY 3, 2003
The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob
Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton,
Oregon, on Monday, February 3, 2003, at 6:40 p.m.
Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Betty Bode, Dennis Doyle, Fred Ruby, Forrest Soth
and Cathy Stanton.  Also present were Chief of Staff Linda Adlard, City Attorney Mark
Pilliod, Finance Director Patrick O'Claire, Community Development Director Joe Grillo,
Engineering Director Tom Ramisch, Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano,
Library Director Ed House, Human Resources Director Sandy Miller, Police Captain Wes
Ervin, Economic Development Program Manager Janet Young and City Recorder Sue
There were none.
Coun. Stanton said she enjoyed the Boards and Commissions Dinner and thanked the
Mayor’s Executive Assistant Joyce Storms for coordinating the event.  She said she
appreciated that staff attended and noted that she enjoyed Kerry Tymchuk, the keynote
Coun. Doyle thanked City staff that coordinated the dinner.  He said he enjoyed the
speaker and thanked Tymchuk for auctioning off three of his books, noting the proceeds
raised over $1,000 for the Police Activities League.      
Coun. Bode announced that the Beaverton Arts Commission’s  Showcase Gala would be
held on Saturday, February 8, 2002, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at the Beaverton Library. 
She noted that there would be different activities during the week.  She encouraged
everyone to attend and noted that the Council supported these events that enriched the
There were none
Beaverton City Council
February 3, 2002 – Minutes
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Coun.  Doyle  MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth that the Consent Agenda be approved
as follows:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of  January 13, 2003
Liquor Licenses Approval (Lamthong Restaurant; Thai & More)
Reorganization of Operations and Maintenance Department
Approve Application and Adopt Resolution of Support for Transportation Enhancement
Program Application (Resolution No.  3703)
Contract Review Board:
Authorization to Enter into Contract for Legal Services
Contract Change Order – Central Interceptor Project No. 6 – CIP Project Number 8001C
Coun. Stanton thanked Engineering Director Ramisch, Human Resource Services
Manager Sandra Miller and Maintenance & Operations Director Gary Brentano for the
excellent answers to her questions.
Coun. Stanton noted she had corrections to the minutes that she would give to the City
Question called on the motion.  Couns. Bode, Doyle, Soth, Ruby, and Stanton voting AYE,
the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
City Attorney Mark Pilliod read the following ordinances for the second time by title only:
Second Reading:
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 4187, Figure III-1, the Comprehensive Plan Map
and Ordinance No. 2050, the Zoning Map for Property Located on Both Sides of Koll
Parkway Between Walker Road and SW Greystone Court; CPA 2002-0009/RZ 2002-0017
(Ordinance No. 4239)
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2050, the Zoning Map, from Community Service
(CS) to General Commercial (GC); RZ 2002-0018  (Ordinance No. 4240)
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2050, the Zoning Map, From (R1) to (RC-E); RZ
2002-0019  (Ordinance No. 4241)
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 4187, Figure III-1, the Comprehensive Plan Map
and Ordinance No. 2050, the Zoning Map, for Property Located at 14305 SW Millikan
Way; CPA 2002-0011/RZ 2002-0022  (Ordinance No. 4242)
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February 3, 2002 – Minutes
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Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Stanton that the ordinances embodied in
Agenda Bills 03026, 03027, 03028 and 03029 now pass.  Roll call vote.  Couns. Bode,
Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
Coun. Stanton asked about a media release that Council received concerning sex
offender address verification.  She noted that out of 218 sex offenders living in Beaverton,
Police were able to identify 68 living at the addresses provided by the State.  She asked
what happened to those who had left the City limits and had not submitted a change of
address to the State.   
Police Captain Wes Ervin explained that they would be sent to the Washington County
District Attorney’s Office, for Grand Jury review.   
Coun. Stanton asked if it was typical that only about one-third of the offenders were in
compliance with their probation.    
Ervin said he was not sure if it was typical because he did not know of any other agencies
that had done this before.  He said it was innovative and sent the message that people
were expected to comply with the law.  He added it was a community safety issue and it
was important to hold everyone accountable.    
Mayor Drake explained that this was public information and there was a Web site where
people could view registration information.  He said he was surprised to see how many
were in Beaverton.  He noted they had a right to be in Beaverton but had to be registered.
Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Bode, that the Council move into executive
session in accordance with ORS 192-660(1)(e) to deliberate with person designated by
the governing body to negotiate real property transactions.  Couns. Bode, Doyle, Soth,
Ruby and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
The executive session convened at 6:50 p.m.
The executive session adjourned at  7:20 p.m.
The regular meeting reconvened at
7:20 p.m.  
Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Stanton that Council authorize the Chief of
Staff and City Attorney to enter into a personal services contract with a consultant
regarding property acquisition in the downtown area.  Couns. Bode, Doyle, Ruby, Soth,
and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
Coun. Stanton noted she did not receive an invitation to the Sister Cities Dinner.  She also
noted that it was not on the calendar for last week.  She said she would talk to Sister
Cities Director, Rosemary Egan next week.    
Beaverton City Council
February 3, 2002 – Minutes
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Chief of Staff Linda Aldard said she needed to have a brief meeting with the Legislative
Committee this week.  She explained that next week was the last week to introduce bills
and she wanted to be sure the members were comfortable with the two bills they were
considering; photo radar with speed attachments and economic development.  
Coun. Stanton said she had a bill that would require anyone running for a political office
within the State to have paid all previous election fines levied against him or her before
they could run for office again.  She said the City would be welcomed to “weigh-in” on the
bill, if so desired. 
There being no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was
adjourned at 7:20 p.m.  
Sue Nelson, City Recorder
Approved this    24th   day of     February   , 2003.
Rob Drake, Mayor