APRIL 14, 2003
The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob
Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton,
Oregon, on Monday, April 14, 2003, at 6:39 p.m.
Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Betty Bode, Dennis Doyle, Fred Ruby, Forrest Soth
and Cathy Stanton.  Also present were Chief of Staff Linda Adlard, City Attorney Mark
Pilliod, Finance Director Patrick O'Claire, Community Development Director Joe Grillo,
Engineering Director Tom Ramisch, Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano,
Library Director Ed House, Police Chief David Bishop, Budget Coordinator Nancy Earp
and Deputy City Recorder Catherine Jansen.
Presentation of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and Certificate of
Recognition for Budget Preparation to Nancy Earp for the City’s FY 2002-03 Annual
Budget Document
Finance Director Patrick O’Claire introduced Budget Coordinator Nancy Earp, noting she
was the main person responsible for putting the budget document together.  He explained
the award given to Ms. Earp was the highest award issued to a governmental agency for
government budgeting and this was the 15th consecutive year the City received this award.    
Mayor Drake stated this was well-deserved recognition and presented the Certificate of
Recognition for Budget Preparation to Ms. Earp.  He then presented the Distinguished
Budget Presentation Award to Mr. O’Claire for the City.  He congratulated them and said it
was important that citizens knew the City budget was prepared in conformance with
nationally-recognized standards. 
Coun. Doyle thanked them for their work. 
Proposal for City of Beaverton Diversity Award
Mayor Drake explained the City of Beaverton Human Rights Advisory Commission
(HRAC) was celebrating its tenth anniversary this year and had a dedicated membership. 
He noted the proposal being presented would broaden the City’s commitment to diversity.   
James Maguire, HRAC Chair, gave a presentation on the HRAC’s proposal to establish a
City of Beaverton Diversity Award.  He reviewed the HRAC’s mission and duties (to
promote mutual understanding and harmonious inter-group relations; and to protect the
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rights of all citizens).  He explained the HRAC accomplished its mission by fostering public
recognition of individuals, businesses and groups that worked toward understanding and
promoting human and civil rights in the City of Beaverton.
Maguire reviewed the proposal to establish the Diversity Award and the process for
nominations and selection of award recipients.  He explained the first award would be
presented in January, 2004. He noted the HRAC would solicit and review the nominations
and select award recipients; award winners would be recognized at a reception and
Council meeting. He said the initial cost of $500.00 would be for a perpetual plaque listing
the award recipients to be displayed at City Hall and for individual plaques to the award
winners for the first year.   He explained the Award would demonstrate the City’s
commitment to human rights.  He concluded by asking that Council approve the HRAC’s
recommendation to establish the City of Beaverton Diversity Award and the process for
solicitation and selection of award recipients.  
Maguire introduced HRAC members in the audience: Anne Bliss, Alton Harvey, Sierra
Redwine, Heminder Singh, and Nicolle Greene, staff liaison.
Coun. Bode explained she was the Charter Chair of the HRAC and she was delighted to
see the progress that has been made.
Coun. Bode MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth that the Council approve the HRAC
proposal for the creation of the City of Beaverton Diversity Award (Agenda Bill 03086).
Coun. Doyle said he strongly supported the motion.
Coun. Stanton stated she was pleased the HRAC was stepping forward with this award.
Question called on the motion.  Couns. Bode, Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE,
the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
Nancy Winston, Citizens for School Support, thanked the Mayor and Councilors for
supporting the Beaverton School District’s (BSD) local option levy, Measure 34-67, on the
May 20, 2003, ballot.  She stated the $17 million raised by this levy would help make up
the $35 million dollar shortfall the BSD was facing.  She said the endorsement of City
leadership showed the City’s recognition that strong schools made a strong community. 
She thanked everyone for their support.  
Mayor Drake spoke on the school funding crisis and noted the Council’s strong support.
Coun. Stanton confirmed the Citizens for School Support was working to get voters out for
this election.    
Reverend Ja West spoke on the anti-Christ, on the Feed the Children Program, and said
she felt a sales tax would help Oregon’s schools.  She asked for funding for her church.
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Coun. Soth said he attended the meetings of the Joint Water Commission and the Barney
Commission on Friday, April 11, 2003.  He stated the budgets for both groups were
adopted and two projects were discussed (the raw water pipeline from Scoggins to the
treatment plant and the proposed expansion of the Scoggins Reservoir).  He noted the
importance of these projects for providing water to Washington County.  He added they
hoped a large contribution from the Federal Government would defray some of the cost.
There were none.
Mayor Drake noted Agenda Bill 03094 was pulled and continued to the next Council
meeting.  Also, Agenda Bill 03088 was pulled at the request of Coun. Stanton for separate
Coun. Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth that the Consent Agenda be approved
as follows:
Liquor Licenses (Pho Van)
Social Services Funding Committee Recommendations – PULLED FOR SEPARATE
Bid Award – Cedar Hills Boulevard Overlay Project, SW Davies Road Overlay Project, and
the FY 2002-03 Traffic Calming Projects
A Resolution Repealing Resolution 2362 and Establishing Juror Fees Pursuant to
Beaverton Code Section 2.04.030 (Resolution No. 3712)
Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Hillsboro Urban Service Agreement Establishing an Urban
Service Area Boundary Between Hillsboro and Beaverton
Boards and Commissions Appointments
A Resolution of Intent to Condemn Real Property Located at 12755 – 12775 SW 1st Street
for Construction of a Public Health Clinic/Housing Project.  (Resolution No. 3713)
Final Order Granting Appeal and Reversing the Planning Commission’s Denial of a Radio
Tower; Salem Communications, Applicant; CUP 2001-0033/APP 2002-0016, CUP 2001-
0032/APP 2002-0017, and TPP 2002-0003/APP 2002-0018.   PULLED; CONTINUED TO
Coun. Doyle confirmed for the record that on Agenda Bill 03094, the Final Order for Salem
Communications, a waiver of the deadline was granted.
Coun. Soth explained the Hillsboro Urban Services Agreement (Agenda Bill 03091) was
the result of an on-going effort for several years.  He noted the cooperative nature of the
jurisdictions led to this agreement.  
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Question called on the motion.  Couns. Bode, Doyle, Soth, Ruby and Stanton voting AYE,
the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
Coun. Stanton explained that each year the City received State revenue sharing and
dedicated a portion of those funds to social service support, for groups in the community. 
She reviewed the services which the City funded (in record) and thanked the committee
who reviewed the applications and organized the distribution of the funds.  
Coun. Ruby, Social Service Funding Committee Chair, stated he chaired this Committee
for three years and enjoyed the service.  He said the process was interesting because all
applicants were programs that serve Beaverton residents at the grass roots level.  He
noted they were excited about the new program “The Beaverton Together Program.”  He
said this was a non-profit program that worked closely with BSD and Whitford Middle
School, to fund a new after-school enrichment program.  He said this was a structured
after-school program with enrichment activities and a homework center.  He reported it
would be a free program and open to all children of all income levels.  He added
transportation was included and the school staff did an excellent job putting the program
Mayor Drake explained that part of the funding came from Federal block grant money.  He
said the City was recommending $254,000 be distributed among the 20 agencies.
Coun. Stanton MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth that Council approve Agenda Bill
03088, Social Services Funding Committee Recommendations.  Roll call vote.  Couns.
Bode, Doyle, Ruby, Stanton, and Soth voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously
First Reading:
An Ordinance Repealing the City’s Existing Secondhand Dealer Ordinance BC 7.10.010-
7.10.155 and Adopting a New Secondhand Dealer Ordinance BC 7.10.005-7.10.110. 
(Ordinance No. 4250)   (Continued from meeting of April 7, 2003)
Coun. Stanton asked if Portland Music Company would fall into the secondhand dealer’s
license requirements when handling trade-ins.  
Police Chief David Bishop replied the ordinance was intended for secondhand stores only,
such as pawn shops; trade-ins and consignments would not fall under the scope of this
ordinance.  He said if the guitar was sold to the business, then the ordinance would apply.     
Coun. Stanton asked if the paper work and employment history had to be completed
before a person was hired.
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Bishop said that it did, to ensure that someone with a criminal background would not be
hired.  He said they met with six dealers and they supported this ordinance.  He added an
employee could not buy or sell to customers until the background check was complete.  
Coun. Stanton asked what other businesses required a completed background check
before employment.
Bishop replied establishments that served alcohol and licensed child care providers.
Coun. Doyle noted staff worked closely with the dealers to craft this ordinance; it will help
facilitate the return of stolen items.
Bishop reviewed the history of the development of this ordinance and noted other
jurisdictions had ordinances similar to this one. 
Mayor Drake said several good businesses in the community supported the ordinance.  
Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Stanton that the rules be suspended and the
ordinance embodied in Agenda Bill 03084 be read for the first time by title only at this
meeting and for the second time by title only at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Roll
call vote.  Couns. Bode, Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION
CARRIED unanimously (5:0).
City Attorney Mark Pilliod read the following ordinance for the first time by title only:
An Ordinance Repealing the City’s Existing Secondhand Dealer Ordinance BC 7.10.010-
7.10.155 and Adopting a New Secondhand Dealer Ordinance BC 7.10.005-7.10.110. 
(Ordinance No. 4250)   
There being no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was
adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Catherine L. Jansen
Deputy City Recorder
Approved this 2nd  day of June, 2003.
Rob Drake, Mayor