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DECEMBER 9, 2002
The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob
Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton,
Oregon, on Monday, December 9, 2002, at 6:34 P.M.
Present were Mayor Drake, Councilors Evelyn Brzezinski, Dennis Doyle, Fred Ruby,
Forrest Soth and Cathy Stanton.  Also present were Chief of Staff Linda Adlard, City
Attorney Mark Pilliod, Finance Director Patrick O'Claire, Community Development Director
Joe Grillo, Engineering Director Tom Ramisch, Operations/Maintenance Director Gary
Brentano, Library Director Ed House, Police Chief David Bishop, Police Captain Wes
Ervin, Arts Commission Director Jayne Scott, Senior Planner Margaret Middleton, Deputy
City Recorder Catherine Jansen and City Councilor Elect Betty Bode.  
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Recognition to Councilor Evelyn Brzezinski
Jeff Johnson, Fire Chief, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVF&R), stated it was a privilege
to serve this community and spoke on the good working relationship TVF&R had
experienced with the City Council and staff.  He stated he was there to honor one of the
key members of this community, Councilor Evelyn Brzezinski.  He thanked her for
dedicated service to both TVF&R and the City.  He stated she had been a wonderful
partner.  He read a proclamation that recognized Councilor Brzezinski for her dedicated
and distinguished service, and bestowed on her the title of Honorary Fire Chief.  
Beaverton Arts Commission Presentation to Councilor Evelyn Brzezinski
Debbie Shoen, Beaverton Arts Commission President, stated it was her honor and
privilege to recognize Councilor Evelyn Brzezinski for her dedicated work in community
service and her personal commitment to the arts.  She presented a painting to Councilor
Brzezinski, noting it was a piece that Councilor Brzezinski had admired when it was
displayed in City Hall a few years ago. 
Councilor Brzezinski thanked Johnson and Schoen for their tributes. 
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Minutes – December 9, 2002
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Presentation of “Oregon Sunset” Quilt to the City Council and Citizens of Beaverton
Terry Grant, Metropolitan Patchwork Society, and Kenda Shoemaker, American
Association of University Women (AAUW), presented a quilt entitled “Oregon Sunset” to
the citizens of Beaverton, to be hung at Beaverton City Hall.  It was noted that Terry Grant
designed the quilt and 59 members of the Patchwork Society participated in making the
Mayor Drake thanked them for the quilt and said the City would proudly display it in the
lobby of City Hall. 
Shoemaker acknowledged Joyce Lockhart, AAUW Project Director, and Julie Raney who
coordinated publicity for the quilt project. 
Dewey Farrell, Beaverton, said he lived on 6th Street and there were problems with drivers
speeding on that street.  He noted there weren’t any speed limit signs on the street and
since the stoplight was installed on Murray, the problem had gotten worse.  He stressed
that something needed to be done and suggested speed signs or speed bumps.
Mayor Drake thanked him and advised that the speed signs could be posted in a short
period of time.  He added that Operations Director, Gary Brentano, would follow up on
posting the signs.  He advised that if the residents were interested, the Traffic Engineer
could contact Farrell and explain the speed bumps evaluation process.  He also noted that
Captain Ervin was present and would take action through the Police Department’s Traffic
Councilor Doyle reminded everyone that the City of Beaverton Holiday Open House would
be tomorrow from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.  He noted
Santa would be present, along with food and entertainment.  
Councilor Soth reported he returned Saturday from the Annual Business Meeting and
Conference of the National League of Cities.  He said it was very interesting.  He said
there was not much encouraging news for cities across the nation about what would
transpire in the next Congress.  He noted that cities across the nation are hurting
financially.  He said that the funding promised by the Federal government for homeland
security had not arrived and cities were bearing the brunt for preparation and
implementation of these measures.  He said the downturn in the economy and the
moratorium on sales tax from Internet sales nationally had added to the problem.  
Chief of Staff Linda Adlard thanked Councilor Brzezinski for her concern for the citizens,
adding her support for the staff had always been appreciated.  She wished Councilor
Brzezinski the best in her future endeavors.  
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Engineering Director Tom Ramisch announced that the Millikan Way Extension between
Cedar Hills Boulevard and Watson Avenue was opened today.  He noted that this road
was built through grant funding and it was working well as traffic flowed through today.  
Finance Director Patrick O’Claire explained that today was the last day of operations
under the old utility billing system; tomorrow the Utility Billing Division would “go live” with
the new system.  He explained that this was the culmination of two-and-one-half years of
work, including running parallel systems for the last nine weeks.  He said that the
customers would not see a major change in the billing systems except for new account
numbers.  He expressed confidence in the new system.  He explained that if there was a
problem with the new system, the City could go back to old system if needed.  He noted
that after the first two-month period, direct debit and credit cards would be available for
payment of bills.
Councilor Doyle congratulated staff for their work on the utility billing system.   
Mayor Drake noted that the minutes of October 14, 2002 would be pulled and rescheduled
for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  
Councilor Stanton requested that Agenda Bill 02341 be pulled for separate consideration.
Councilor Ruby MOVED, SECONDED by Councilor Soth, that the Consent Agenda,
consisting of Agenda Bills 02340 and 02342, be approved.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 2002 (Rescheduled for approval on October
21, 2002) 
CPA 2002-0011/RZ 2002-0022 14305 SW Millikan Way Land Use Map Amendment and
Approve Applications and Adopt Resolution of Support for Projects for Metro’s
Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (Pulled for separate consideration)
Authorization for the City to Participate in an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Joint
Audit of Telecommunication Company Payments of Franchise Fees and Transfer
Resolution (Res. No. 3692)
Question called on the motion.  Councilors Brzezinski, Doyle, Soth, Ruby, and Stanton
voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)
Approve Applications and Adopt Resolution of Support for Projects for Metro’s
Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (Res. No. 3693)
Councilor Stanton stated she didn’t have a problem with the projects on the list and asked
that Council add the 125th Extension to the list.  She said this extension was very
important to South Beaverton connectivity.  She said it would be a good fit within this plan.
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Minutes – December 9, 2002
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Councilor Stanton MOVED that the 125th Extension Project be added to the MTIP list to be
submitted to Metro.  
The Motion did not receive a Second.  
Mayor Drake explained that the MTIP list was pared down already and it was still double
the amount that was potentially available.  He said that staff had broad discussions with
County staff about this project, and though it has been in the City’s plan for many years, 
the cost was too significant and the Coordinating Committee would not have considered it. 
He noted this would not qualify under the MTIP Program criteria.
Councilor Stanton stressed the need for this project.  
Councilor Soth asked if the 125th Extension was on the list that was pared down.  
Mayor Drake explained it was not on the list that went to the Coordinating Committee and
that discussions with the County showed that the cost was so large it would take a
significant percentage of MTIP money.  He explained that the emphasis for MTIP funding
was on regional and town center projects and this ranked low on MTIP.
Engineering Director Tom Ramisch explained that the bigger issue and emphasis in this
round for MTIP funding was the town center/regional center proximity and the 125th
Extension was not in one of those areas.  He assured Council that staff would apply for
grants or funding opportunities, the project was on the City’s list in the Capital
Improvement Program.
Councilor Stanton reiterated that the 125th extension met the criteria since it was between
Washington Square, a Regional Center and the Murray-Scholls Town Center, which made
a link between the Regional Center and the Town Center.  
Mayor Drake explained that the MTIP list started out at 200% of what was available; there
was $26 million in the request, but Washington County would only get about half of that
amount.  He agreed that the 125th Extension was long overdue, but noted MTIP funding
was not for this type of project.
Councilor Stanton stated she would continue to bring this project forward.  She said the
125th Extension was too important to South Beaverton to remain not built.    
Councilor Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Councilor Doyle, that Council approve Agenda
Bill 02341, the Application and Resolution of Support for Projects for Metro’s Metropolitan
Transportation Improvement Program.    
Councilor Soth noted he was a strong supporter of 125th, but this issue involved regional
projects.  He said he would support it if funding became available through the City and
noted 125th was a good project for MSTIP, if another one was done.
Question called on the motion.  Councilors Doyle, Ruby, Soth and Brzezinski voting AYE. 
Councilor Stanton voting NAY.  MOTION CARRIED (4:1)
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Minutes – December 9, 2002
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There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Catherine L Jansen, Deputy City Recorder
Approved this 13th day of January, 2003.
Rob Drake, Mayor