AUGUST 5, 2002


The Regular Meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by Mayor Rob

Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton,

Oregon, on Monday, August 5, 2002, at 6:45 p.m.


Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Evelyn Brzezinski, Dennis Doyle, Forrest Soth and

Cathy Stanton. Coun. Ruby was excused.  Also present were Chief of Staff Linda

Adlard, City Attorney Mark Pilliod, Human Resources Director Sandra Miller, Assistant

Finance Director Shirley Baron-Kelly, Community Development Director Joe Grillo,

Engineering Director Tom Ramisch, Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano,

Police Chief David Bishop, Library Director Ed House, Police Captain Wes Ervin,

Utilities Engineer David Winship Project Engineer Jim Brink, City Recorder Sue Nelson

and Deputy City Recorder Cathy Jansen.  


There were none.  


Coun. Stanton announced that August 6, 2002, would be the Police National Night Out

at Griffith Park at 6:00 p.m.  She noted this was a 15-year-old program designed for

neighbors to meet each other which would make neighborhoods safer.   She said there

would be activities for children and refreshments. 


There were none.


Coun. Brzezinski  MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that the Consent Agenda be

approved as follows:

Minutes of Regular Meetings of May 6, 2002, May 13, 2002, and the Special Meeting

of May 23, 2002.

SB 2002-0004 Montarosa Single-Family Subdivision

TPP 2002-0001 Montarosa Single-Family Subdivision Tree Preservation Plan

FS 2002-0009 Montarosa Single-Family Subdivision Flexible Setback

Approve Application for ODOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant and Adopt Resolution of

Support  (Res. No. 3676)

Appeal of Chapter 50 (Procedures) Development Code Update (APP 2002-0004)

Bid Award -  “Steel Clad” Concrete Crossing Panels for Railroad Crossing Panels

Board and Commission Appointment (Scott Winters Appointed to Planning


Contract Review Board:

Consulting Contract Award – Noise Reduction Analyses for Aquifer Storage and

Recovery (ASR) Pumping Facilities

Exemption From Competitive Bids and Authorize a Sole Seller/Brand Name Purchase

of Library Shelving Center Stops From Spacesaver Specialists, Incorporated

Waiver of Sealed Bidding - Purchase a Street Sweeper in Conjunction With a Current

Bid Award by Clackamas County

Coun. Brzezinski stated she would abstain from voting on the minutes for May 23,

2002; she was absent from that meeting.  

Question called on the motion.  Couns. Brzezinski, Doyle, Soth, and Stanton voting

AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously (4:0); Coun. Brzezinski abstained from

voting on the minutes for May 23, 2002.


Public Comment on Issue of Seeking a Citizen Advisory Vote Regarding Fluoridation

of Beaverton’s City Water Supply

Mayor Drake noted that a work session was held on fluoridation (July 15, 2002) and 

public comment was heard concerning fluoridation of the City’s water.  

Coun. Soth reported he had a few conversations with citizens about this issue but he

did not discuss the pros and cons of fluoridation.

Coun. Stanton said she discussed the pros and cons with several people as this was a

public forum.  She noted that if anyone had data on a fluoridated water system, she

wanted to know the percentage of the fluoridated population that had fluorosis.    

Mayor Drake explained that each person would have three minutes for testimony and

that Council could ask follow-up questions.   He encouraged citizens to submit written

testimony.  He explained he supported fluoridation, that the City had not fluoridated the

water supply that it directly controlled and that he recommended that this issue be sent

to the citizens for an advisory vote.  He stressed that no decision would be made on

whether or not to fluoridate at this meeting.  He noted that since Council heard

testimony that supported fluoridation at the work session, the opposition would speak



Sandra Blois, Beaverton, said that from 1976 through 1983, the National Preventative

Dentistry Demonstration Program surveyed 30,000 school children (February 1990,

issue of Community Dental Oral Epidemiology) and the study concluded that ingested

fluorides were not consistently effective in preventing clinically significant amounts of

tooth decay; sealants were the only effective products.  She said her 19-year-old son

grew up in Beaverton where there was no fluoride.  She said all the students in his

class had sealants put on their teeth and he did not have any cavities since that time.  

Coun. Stanton confirmed that the Blois residence on 206th was west of 185th Avenue.

Mayor Drake confirmed that Blois received water from Tualatin Valley Water District 

(TVWD) and that she had lived on 206th for three years.  

Coun. Soth asked if the studies Blois quoted contained background data on the

children, where they lived prior to the study and whether they regularly brushed their


Blois replied she did not know of any background information.  

Ralph Blois, King City, Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children, read a list of cities that

had fluoridated water for more than 20 years, which he said had more decay than the

average city in the United States. He said highlights were: 1) Dental problems found in

New York (fluoridated since 1965); 2) In Connecticut, which was 100% fluoridated,

Head Start Children had more decay now than two years ago; 3) British Columbia had

more decay in its fluoridated areas than in the non-fluoridated areas; 4) Boston had

been fluoridated since 1978 and was considering using sealants; 5) Vancouver,

Washington (fluoridated since 1963) in the Year 2000 6-8 year olds had 62% decay; in

Multnomah County it was 28.6% and the fluoridated areas had twice the decay; 6)

CDC and the Oregon Health Division 2000 Survey showed that unfluoridated

Multnomah County had 36% untreated decay which was less than fluoridated

Vancouver.  He asked the City not to fluoridate the water until it had been determined

how much the children already had in their bodies.  

Coun. Stanton asked that when people testified that they explained what the statistics


Coun. Soth noted that a number of items were unclear in the Multnomah County

Study.  He asked if the children had water service from independent water districts.

Blois replied that 100% of those in the study did not have fluoridated water.    

Coun. Soth noted that it was not known how many of the water districts in Multnomah

County had fluoridated water; Portland did not, but that did not mean all of its

customers did not.   He noted that in the Head Start Program survey, without the basic

background information of where the children came from and the extent of decay

before they came to Multnomah County, all the report indicated what was found at the

time of examinations.  

Blois replied that none of the studies conducted showed information on the history of

each child.  He said that information did not exist for any study.  

Mayor Drake summarized that Coun. Soth was asking for a control group and that

Blois was saying there was none.    

Greg de Bruler, Hood River, stated he was an environmental health specialist who

worked on health toxicity issues in humans and aquatic species.  He said he worked

for the last 13 years with the Agency for Toxic Substance Disease Registry (ATSDR);

the ATSDR’s job was to measure toxins in the environment and tie them into human

health conditions.  He said the biggest problem he had was using fluoride to treat

young children who could go to the dentist.  He said the ASTDR and Center for

Disease Control discovered that when chlorine was put in the water systems in

America it produced trihallomethanes; and the effects of combining chlorine with

fluoride were not known.  He said the City had good water and  this contaminant

should not be added.  

Coun. Doyle asked de Bruler to submit the sources he quoted in writing to the Council.      

de Bruler said he would submit the information.    

Coun. Soth asked if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had added fluoride to

the list of substances that all water systems would have to test for annually.  

de Bruler replied he did not know if this was a regulation for municipalities.  

Cindy de Bruler, Hood River, Executive Director, Columbia River Keepers, said there

were similar discussions in her area, and the cities of White Salmon and Hood River

said no to fluoridation.  She stated that the kids who would need fluoride the most

drank soda pop instead of water; the people who visited the dentist on a regular basis

would get a double dose of fluoride.  She stated that fluoride levels in the Tualatin,

Columbia, and Willamette Rivers exceeded safe levels for salmon.    

Coun. Soth asked de Bruler if she believed that the people had a right to vote whether

they preferred fluoride or not.  

de Bruler stated that she did, but she did not think it was worth the time and money

that would be invested in it.  She said that the environmental and public interest groups

were lacking monetary resources to hold their organizations together.  She said her

group could not provide resources to get information out for an election.    

Coun. Doyle asked de Bruler to forward her groups information to him.  

Dr. Ann Durrant, President, Oregon Doctors of Chiropractic (ODC), stated that the

ODC’s position was that putting fluoride in the water was not safe or ethical.  She said 

the largest study done in the United States (1986-1987) by the National Institute of

Dental Research (NIDR) showed that there was no statistically significant difference in

dental decay between children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities.  She

said the July 2000 Journal of the American Dental Association reminded dentists that

any effective fluoride was topical and not ingested.  She said that the NIDR study also

showed that 66% of children living in fluoridated areas with .7 to 1.2/ppm fluoride

(targeted dose for fluoridation) had fluorosis.  She said the American Academy of

Pediatrics and the American Dental Association reassessed their recommendations

regarding fluoride supplements as follows:  none from birth to six months; 0.25 mg/day

from six months to three years; 1.0 mg/day not recommended until a child is six years

old.  She said the only way to control the dose for infants was to breast feed or avoid

tap water and not to use fluoridated toothpaste.  She noted a case in San Antonio

where a family had severe dental fluorosis and other problems from fluoride

overexposure.  She asked that the Council look at all the data and information.


Coun. Soth asked if she advocated taking the issue to the citizens.   

Durrant said it would be better to put it to a vote than for Council to decide to fluoridate

unilaterally without a vote of the citizens.

Lynne Campbell, Lake Oswego, Executive Director, Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking

Water (OCSDW), said that the public had the right to accountability and full

information. She indicated there were documents from the EPA, FDA, the Public

Health Service, a congressional investigation and dental journals on the back table for

everyone. She stated that at the range April Love (Stand for Children) said there was

no toxic effect, 66% of kids had fluorosis on at least one tooth.  She said that everyone

wanted to pretend that people weren’t already overexposed from the fluoride in the

diet.  She asked that citizens hold people accountable to ensure that the water

remained safe for everyone in the community.  

Coun. Soth asked Campbell why Beaverton Citizens for Safe Drinking Water had a

Lake Oswego address.  

Campbell explained that the Beaverton Citizens for Safe Drinking Water (BCSDW)

was an offshoot of her organization, OCSDW.  She noted that the Beaverton group

formed quickly and just got a post office box address.  She noted that both people in

charge of BCSDW had Beaverton addresses.  

Coun. Soth asked if she was in favor of putting this to a vote of the citizens.   

Campbell said it was not appropriate; with the information available on the adverse

effects, it was not a good idea.  She agreed with Durrant that a vote gave citizens a

say, rather than Council deciding on its own.  She said it was a drug and people

should not be voting to drug their neighbors.  

Coun. Stanton asked how Campbell became involved in this issue.  

Campbell explained that fluoridation came up in Lake Oswego in 1998.  She

researched the issue and was alarmed by what she found.  She noted that the Lake

Oswego Council did not move the issue forward and Lake Oswego did not have

fluoridated water.

Claire Darling, Beaverton, stated that safe drinking water was the highest priority and

there was no reason to medicate the water because there were safer options.  She

noted the options available were dental sealants and educational programs to teach

children to brush correctly.  She noted that the American Dental Association agreed

that fluoride used topically worked to reduce cavities; it did not have to be ingested. 

She noted a statement from UNICEF “long been known that excessive fluoride intake

carries serious side effects, scientists are now debating whether fluoride confers any

benefit at all.”  She urged the Council to look into the other alternatives. 

Mayor Drake advised Darling that she lived outside of Beaverton and that her water

provider was West Slope not the City of Beaverton.   

Coun. Doyle invited her to submit additional information.     

Coun. Soth asked Darling what she would do for people who did not receive regular

dental care.

Darling noted that there was a team with a dental care van that provided care to those

in need.  She said she questioned how many children actually needed sealants and

could not afford it.  She felt the matter could go on the ballot if the wording was explicit.  

Dr. Andrew Harris, M.D. Aloha, stated there were no well-controlled peer-reviewed

studies for water fluoridation. He stated that 95% of fluorides in drinking water came

from the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers; the remainder from the aluminum

industry.  He stated that fluoride was also contaminated with lead and arsenic, which

caused health problems.  He stressed that fluoride was a health threat to all citizens

and he urged the Council not to expose the citizens to potentially toxic fluoride.

Coun. Soth asked if he advocated putting this to a vote.    

Harris said he supported the democratic system but was not sure people would fully

understand the issue because it was so complex.

Coun. Doyle asked if there was a safe source of fluoride.  

Harris said that a safer source would be from the pharmaceutical industry and it would

be more expensive.

Miriam Green, Portland, stated that sodium fluoride acted as an internal poison to

insects and was used in poison baits for insects.  She said she spoke with Gary

Pittman who spent 21 years in Florida making phosphate fertilizer.  She described how

the phosphate fertilizer was made (as related by Pittman) and that he said fluoride was

second in toxicity to arsenic and more toxic than lead.  She described the noxious

effects of fluoride.    

Coun. Brzezinski asked Green why the American Cancer Society would support


Green said that many people would not thoroughly research the issue; but would just

accept what medical associations supported.    

Coun. Soth asked if she would approve of submitting this to the voters.

Green stated that she would approve if both sides had equal financing and resources.

She concluded that the citizens rejected fluoridation four times in the Portland area.  

Mayor Drake noted this issue was politically sensitive in other areas of the country.  He

expressed his faith in Beaverton’s citizens, noting they were smart and they would do

their homework.  He stated he would go with what the citizens decide.    

Sandra Duffy, Lake Oswego, OCSDW,  pointed out legal issues she said should be

addressed in the ballot measure.  She said the word fluoride was misleading and

imprecise; the ballot should identify the fluoride compound and grade to be added to

the water.  

Coun. Soth asked if she favored putting this to a vote.

Duffy replied it was Council’s responsibility to review all the information on fluoride and

make a decision; if the decision was to move forward, then it should be sent to the

citizens for a vote.  

Dr. Anita Steffan, Hillsboro, explained she was four months pregnant and she was

concerned about the safety of her unborn child.  She said she researched ways to

ensure a safe pregnancy; she found it was recommended to eliminate fluoridated

water and toothpaste as fluoride interferes with the body’s ability to form and properly

distribute collagen.  She stressed she was working to protect her unborn child.

Coun. Soth asked if she would refer this to the citizens for a vote.

Steffan said the Council was intelligent and elected to make sound decisions.  She

said there should be no need to go to a public vote.

Susan Anderson, Beaverton, Beaverton Citizens for Safe Drinking Water (BCSDW),

said there were questions that needed to be answered before moving forward on this

issue.  The questions were:  1) who determined and quantified all sources and

amounts of fluoride that Beaverton citizens were already experiencing; 2) what were

those findings;  3) who determined the full range of water consumption of the citizens

on a daily basis.  

Anderson reiterated comments made earlier about the source of fluoride and the

health hazards.  She encouraged the Council to research this further before making a

decision that could have adverse effects on the citizens.    

Coun. Soth asked if she felt it should go to a vote.

Anderson replied that if the Council chose not to table the matter, then she would favor

it going to a vote.  She stated she would work hard to ensure that all information was

distributed to the citizens.  

Scott Anderson, Beaverton, said he was a heavy water consumer, he did not want

fluoride in his water and he did not want to have to invest in a water system to remove

the fluoride.    

Mayor Drake asked if he was a resident in the City.  

Anderson said he was on the border and his water was from West Slope.  

Coun. Soth asked if he was in favor of sending it to a vote.  

Anderson said he was not in favor of it going forward.

Dr. Paul Engelking, Lowell, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oregon,

explained he and his students have been measuring the increasing levels of fluoride

ions in the Tualatin River each summer for the last five years.  He said that any

question of adding fluoride to the public water supply must consider how to dispose of

the fluoride.  He said that the majority of fluoride in public water goes through the

sewage treatment process and remained in the effluent that was discharged into the

environment.  He noted there were two major studies on the acute toxic affects of

fluoride: “The Acute Toxicity” by Neuhold and Sigler, 1960; and the Damkaer and Dey

study of 1989.  He noted that if the cities fluoridated their water, this would increase

the fluoride levels in the Tualatin.  He reviewed the toxic levels on the river at Rood

Road Bridge (less than 0.1) and at Farmington Road (above 0.6), as shown on a chart

dated August 2, 2001.

Coun. Stanton confirmed that the Safe Drinking Water Act didn’t have standards and

asked if there was any work at the Federal level to include compounds like arsenic and

lead that may impact the endangered species.    

Engelking explained it took 12 years to get standards for ammonia and phosphates

and he did not believe additional standards would be set on the Tualatin.  

Coun. Soth noted that he served on the Unified Sewerage Agency Board and was

involved in the initial studies to establish standards for ammonia and phosphates.  He

explained that the tertiary treatment turned out water that was very close to the water

required by Federal Drinking Water Standards.  

Engelking said that after Rock Creek the phosphate levels decreased by 1/3 because

the phosphate levels from that plant are virtually zero. 

Coun. Soth asked if this should go to a public vote.  

Engelking replied that in European law the Crown protected the fish and forests.  He

said as part of government’s responsibility the Council would need to look carefully at

what would be happening to the fish.  He said if the whole valley were to fluoridate, the

fluoride levels would be at about 0.3 which he thought was too high.  He said if he

were a councilor he would prefer that the money go into education; it would be a better

use of the money.  

Rhett Lawrence, Portland, Environmental Advocate on Toxics and Clean Water issues

for OSPIRG (Oregon State Public Interest Research Group), voiced OSPIRG’s

concerns about fluoridation and urged that the Council act cautiously.   He explained

that it was not known if the benefits of adding fluoride to the water supply would

outweigh the potential harms and OSPIRG believed it was inappropriate to put the

public health at risk by fluoridating water before it has been shown to be necessary

and safe.  He supported sending it to the voters.     

Coun. Soth explained that as a public official body, the Council could not advocate on

either side of the issue, but would only forward the question to the citizens.    

Coun. Brzezinski asked Lawrence how he suggested Council ensure it was

comfortable with the current science when there were conflicting studies quoted by

both sides.  

Lawrence replied that in the absence of compelling science showing that it was safe,

the advisable course of action would be not to fluoridate.   

Mayor Drake noted he was a strong advocate of OSPIRG and asked if they had

approached Tualatin Valley Water or the City of Forest Grove, sharing their concern.

Lawrence said they had not.  He said OSPIRG had not taken a position against

fluoridation.  He explained they participated in this debate last year before the

Legislature.  He concluded at that time they decided not to take an official position on

water fluoridation, but they would take a position on toxic chemicals and science.

Danielle Pere, Portland, said she used to work with OSPIRG and found that there was

a great deal of voter apathy and that most people did not take the time to understand

the issues.  She felt that it should not go to the voters, that it could be held off until

people were educated on the issue.  She said she did not want to drink fluoridated


Coun. Soth said he was frustrated by the lack of voter participation, particularly in the

age group 18 to 34.  He noted that many ballot measures were thrown out due to

invalid signatures. 

Pere noted the importance of education and critical thinking on these issues.  


Mayor Drake called for a brief recess at 8:55 p.m.


Mayor Drake reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m.


Joyce Crunican, Beaverton, Stand for Children (SFC), stated she was a graduate from

OHSU and a dental hygienist for 29 years in Beaverton.  She gave an overview of her

patients (young children with deep decay and pain) and spoke on the difficulty in

treating them.  She said the benefits she saw as a health care provider were like the

difference between night and day between people who had fluoridation in their water

and those who did not.  She favored leaving it to a vote of the people.  

Coun. Soth asked Crunican’s opinion on the testimony that people already ingested a

sufficient amount of fluoride from other food sources.    

Crunican said she would have to see strong scientific evidence on that.  She felt the

evidence was obvious from the areas that already had fluoridation.  She said a vast

majority of patients asked her why it was not in the water system.  

Coun. Stanton asked if fluoride was only beneficial as a topical application.    

Crunican stated that there were benefits topically and from ingestion.

Ashleigh Crunican, Beaverton, SFC, said she worked at the Beaverton PAL Center

where she saw children consume large amounts of sugar daily.  She said they were

working to improve nutrition and educate them to take better care of their bodies and

teeth.  She said they would work to educate the children and the fluoridated water

would have a great impact.  

Audrey Scheidler, Aloha, SFC, explained she joined SFC to give children a voice in the

community.  She said they worked on several children’s issues; last year they heard

from many sources (teachers, parents, childcare providers) about the lack of access to

dental care for low-income children in Washington County.  She said they researched

the problem and possible solutions extensively; water fluoridation was one of three

possible solutions they chose to pursue.  In addition, SFC asked Washington County

to fund a Dental Prevention Educator and they were working on a neighborhood dental

program for elementary schools.  She recommended that those who had concerns do

their own research and stressed that this was about prevention; water fluoridation was

not 100% effective but it helped.  She said there were strict guidelines for fluorides

sold for human consumption.  

Coun. Soth noted the testimony heard about other toxic substances in fluoride.  He

asked Scheidler how that applied to public water fluoridation in terms of impurity of the

fluoride compound used in the process.  

Scheidler replied that there was an aluminum plant on the Columbia River that the

EPA found was dumping vast amounts of fluoride and it did affect the salmon.  She

said it was cleaned up.  She stated the fluoride for water consumption did not come

from aluminum plants.  She said Tualatin Valley Water District used two different types

of fluoride and was phasing out the fluorosilicate.  She said that sodium fluoride was

more soluble in water, was distributed in liquid form and was easier to use than

fluorosilicate.  She said manufacturers were under strict guidelines to ensure there

were no contaminants such as lead or arsenic.  She said the fluoride went through a

testing process before and after it was purchased.

Coun. Soth asked if it was fair to say that the discharges from the fertilizer plant had

been purified and the other toxic substances removed before it was sold for ingestion

in a public water supply.

Scheidler agreed and said it was done at the manufacturing plant.

Dr. Gordon Empey, DDS, Portland, Dental Director of a local health department, said

that according to US Surgeon General Koop, fluoridation was the single most

important commitment a community can make to the oral health of its children.  His

predecessor, David Satcher, indicated that fluoridation remained an ideal public health

measure based on scientific evidence in preventing tooth decay and its cost

effectiveness.  He said there had been 50 years of impressive literature and studies on

the success and cost effectiveness of community water fluoridation.  He noted all the

arguments Council heard against fluoride and asked if fluoride were all of those things,

why did two thirds of America’s communities have fluoridated water.  He noted every

reputable health and medical association in the United States today endorsed

fluoridation, including the American Medical Association and the American Dental

Association.  He read a recent statement from the US Department of Health and

Human Services “Community water fluoridation was safe, effective and an inexpensive

way to prevent dental caries.  This modality benefits persons of all ages and all socio-

economic status.”   

Coun. Soth noted this was in direct conflict with other testimony and asked if this was a

case where professionals using the same data could come to opposite conclusions. 

Empey agreed two professionals could look at the same data and come to different

conclusions.  He said he was speaking on recognized peer-review studies that

indicated the effectiveness of fluoridation.  

Pat  Cwiklinski, Portland, said she was a public health nutritionist with Washington

County Women, Infants & Children Program for impoverished residents.  She said

2,000 Beaverton residents were on the nutrition education program and dental

education was a big part of their program.  She said they worked with parents on

nutrition and dental care education, but many of their clients do not have the money for

dental care.  She said that prevention was the key to dental health and the lack of

dental care in Washington County was critical.    

Dr. April Love DDS, SFC, explained that all water elements were mined from earth and

had impurities that had to be removed.  She said the National Sanitation Foundation

(NSF) and the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) were non-profit, independent companies

that inspected and certified manufacturing plants and every product that had anything

to do with drinking water.  She said they ensured the level of contaminants were below

those levels that would cause harm.  She noted that Oregon mandated all products

used in drinking water pass the NSF standards and was certified.  She said they just

tested tap water from a house in the TVWD; it had no detectable arsenic or lead and

the fluoride level was 1 ppm.  She noted that TVWD and FG had fluoridated their water

for many years.  She recommended only fluoridating with sodium fluoride since this

was so controversial; it was more expensive than sodium fluorosilicate but the initial

equipment was cheaper.  She said she had spoken with the aquatic specialist at EPA

and the habitat specialist at Oregon’s Fish & Wildlife Services, and they said they had

not seen any health problems in the fish environment related to the exposure to

fluoride at levels found in river water.  She asked that the citizens get a chance to vote

on this issue.  

Stanton asked if the ADA or EPA came out in favor of fluoridated water for their


Love confirmed the ADA had, but said she did not know about EPA.  She noted that

the Featherstone Study said that as soon as teeth came out it was essential to be in

contact with fluoride to make them stronger.  She explained the systemic effect of

swallowing small multiple amounts of fluoride throughout the day in water and food,

produced increased levels of fluoride ions in saliva that lasted up to four hours and

benefited the teeth.  She said that because those against fluoridation so often quoted

him, Featherstone had to write an article saying he favored water fluoridation.  

Stanton asked Love if she knew what percentage of a general population in a

fluoridated area would contact fluorosis.  

Love said she went to Forest Grove to the second and third grades in a low-income

school, but those students did  not provide other background data so it was too difficult

to obtain a base data.  She said most showed an 80% decay rate, which was high. 

She said she did see fluorosis in about 2%.   

Valerie Connor, Washington County Community Action Head Start health coordinator

and registered dietician, stated she represented the Head Start children in the

Beaverton area. She said they served over 600 low-income families.  She noted that

people from other countries did not have the advantages of dental care.  She spoke on

the care given to these children, the damage that they saw and could not undo, and

the hope that future children could be helped.  She stated they had applied for Grants

to do more work and stressed that fluoride would help these young teeth resist

cavities.  She said she would like Beaverton citizens to have the opportunity to vote on


Mayor asked Connor to comment about what she observed in Beaverton’s low-income


Connor explained that the Oregon Health Plan excluded children not born in the United

States.  She noted that many of the families at the poverty level did not have access to

public resources, cannot pay for it and did not qualify.  She noted that for the public

good, iodine was added to the salt to prevent goiter, white flour was enriched with B

vitamins and milk had vitamin D that prevented rickets.  She noted there were many

items fortified to make people healthier.

Soth asked Connor how she reconciled the claims that people already received an

excess of fluoride with the claims of the advantages of fluoridating water.    

Connor explained that people reading the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) on

food products might misinterpret the information.  She noted the RDA was the

minimum safe dose and assumed a person was eating a regular diet.  She noted that

almost any nutrient taken in excess could cause harm, including Vitamin C, and the

RDA listed fluoride as a nutrient.  

Eric Downey DDS,  Beaverton, gave his observations on what he saw in his pediatric

dental practice in areas with and without fluoridation.  He explained that 10% of his

patients had to go to the hospital for treatment because of age and extent of decay. 

He noted the high cost of hospital service to take care of these problems and said he

favored having this go to the voters.  

Mary Lynn O’Brien M.D.  Portland said she trained in a fluoridated city and though it

was a poor city, she never saw the dental decay she had seen in Portland children. 

She said her specialty was developmentally disabled children and they did not get

dental care because they were severely disabled, could not speak and were poor. 

She said the children almost always had to go to operating rooms for dental care.  She

stressed she prescribed fluoride for her patients from the age of six months; she felt

they benefited from fluoride at an early age.   

Coun. Brzezinski asked if she had seen studies that supported concerns stated earlier

that fluoride could endanger an unborn child.  

O’Brien stated she had not seen any studies about that.

Coun. Soth noted concerns about chemicals causing autism and asked if fluoride

might have the same effects.  

O’Brien explained her specialty was autism research and autism had never been

associated with fluoride; it had been reputed to be associated with the MMR vaccine.

Georgia Walp, Tigard, SFC member, stated her grandchildren lived in Beaverton and

she went to the work session on fluoridation.  She noted that at the work session the

Mayor explained that one of the water districts that served Beaverton had water

fluoridation for some time.  She said that if some reasonable harm came from

fluoridation, it would have drawn a great deal of attention by now.  She said she

strongly supported fluoridation for all the children in Beaverton and she resented that

some people felt it should not be brought to the Beaverton voters.  

David Granum, DDS., Beaverton, stated that the people in attendance were

conscientious and do not have the luxury of inaction.  He stated that the facts indicated

that dental decay could be checked and kept at a low level by water fluoridation.  He

noted that in the representative form of government, citizens voted for people to make

decisions in the best interest of the people; this included the arena of public health.  He

noted the public health advances of the last century, which included fluoride. He spoke

about the history of dental decay in regards to sugar.  He noted there was a need to go

to the source of the problem.  He listed all the medical groups that recommended and

supported water fluoridation.  He asked the Council to use its authority as a

representative of the electors and implement this into the City of Beaverton’s water


Brian Adams, Beaverton, stated he was raised taking fluoride tablets, as an adolescent

he had two cavities before age 14.  He said that since he stopped taking the tablets

and lived in cities without fluoride he has had four more cavities. He said he sold

fluoride to cities in Oregon and Washington and agreed that the by-products could be

construed as hazardous wastes but also had advantageous uses.  He noted that the

voting public was not the target audience that would benefit from using fluoride.  He

noted he was not certain of his position on this issue, but wanted to give the

information on the chemicals. 

Coun. Soth asked if Adams if he could give an indication of the purity of sodium

fluoride in public water.

Adams explained that sodium fluoride was 40% fluoride and was made up of sodium

and fluoride only; sodium silicate fluoride was 60% fluoride but it had silicate in it. He

said the hydrofluorsilicic acid was a 23% solution, with a 40% to 60% range of fluoride. 

He noted the source of the material came from inside and outside of the United States.     

Coun. Soth asked if the supplies from outside the United States were similar or equal

to those from inside the U.S., and were they subject to the same purity standards.  

Adams replied inside and outside the United States the standards were the same.   

Jennifer Robertson, Beaverton, dental hygienist, said she was a volunteer with the

Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program at Mountclaire School for several years.  She explained

she watched children consume a lot of sugar and was appalled.  She stated they were

not reaching the children and parents who needed it the most.  She stated she just

came from a third world country and it was appalling.  She stressed the importance of

having a public health program and fluoridation was needed because there was a

severe problem with tooth decay in Beaverton and Portland.  

Coun. Soth noted the concern with fluoride use in the prenatal state and asked

Robertson if it would be better to wait until birth.

Robertson replied that she felt it should be started as soon as possible; six months

was recommended because that was when the teeth came in and 18 months was

important because that was when permanent molars would be calcifying in the


Mayor Drake recommended bringing a proposed ballot title back to Council on August

19, 2002,  so that the citizens would have an opportunity to see what was being sent

forward.  He noted it had to be filed at Washington County by September 5, 2002.  

Coun. Soth confirmed that the City would prepare a Voters’ Pamphlet and the deadline

to file arguments for the County and City pamphlet was September 9, 2002.  

Coun. Stanton asked Winship if the testing under the Safe Drinking Water Act was to

see if the samples met the thresholds required by the Federal government.

David Winship, Utilities Engineer, explained that the requirements were to not exceed

the maximum contaminant level.  He said samples were taken at the Joint Water

Commission water treatment plan.

Coun. Stanton asked if fluoridation was approved, when would the City have to start

testing the fluoridation levels.  

Winship explained that if fluoridation was approved, staff would determine when

testing would start.  He said TVWD had said that quarterly samples were required.  He

thought the City might look at continuous monitoring.

Mayor Drake explained he was seeking an advisory vote for citizens affecting only the

City-controlled water system; it would not affect TVWD or West Slope.

Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Brzezinski, that Council direct staff to

prepare a ballot title for the November, 2002, General Election to refer an advisory

vote on voter preference regarding fluoridating the City water supply, exempting those

areas currently served by Tualatin Valley Water District and West Slope Water District,

and return to Council with that proposed ballot title and measure.  

Coun. Doyle asked what specific information would citizens get besides the ballot title.

Adlard explained that if the citizens indicated they wanted fluoridation, the City would

provide cost information on each of the three options.  She and the City Attorney would

work on the ballot language to ensure that intent of the vote was clear to the voters.

Coun. Soth said he felt the citizens of Beaverton were the best ones to decide this


Coun. Stanton stated she was not sure enough Beaverton residents would bring this

forward; however, she came from a fluoride-treated area and it was a “no-brainer” to

her.  She said the most compelling comment for her was “the disease of dental decay”

and she felt this was something the citizens of Beaverton should decide.  She

encouraged councilors to take a stand on this issue and lobby.  

Coun. Doyle said that for many of the reasons heard from Council he looked forward to

the debate.  He said he was comfortable with letting citizens vote on this because he

had talked with many citizens who were amazed that the water was not fluoridated. 

He felt it was time to make this decision;  he would support the motion.

Coun. Brzezinski said she would support the motion.  She said she read everything

except what was handed to Council tonight.  She noted that both sides were sincere in

their beliefs and said she appreciated Anderson’s comments about the open-

mindedness of Council.  She explained she had not taken a position on this, but was of

the opinion that the citizens should vote.  She said she was impressed with the

attention that voters gave to issues and asked if forums could be held within the city to

provide information on both sides.

Question called on the motion.  Couns. Brzezinski, Soth, Doyle and Stanton voting

AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (4:0)


Mayor Drake called for a recess at 10:35 p.m.


Mayor Drake reconvened the meeting at 10:41 p.m.

Mayor Drake noted the City had received two funding requests, which were covered in

memorandums he had sent to the Council earlier.

Coun. Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Stanton, that the Council approve the

request for additional funding contained in the July 17, 2002, memorandum to the City

Council from Mayor Rob Drake, League of Oregon Cities Request Litigation Funding. 

Couns. Brzezinski, Doyle, Soth, and Stanton voting AYE, the MOTION CARRIED

unanimously.  (4:0)

Coun. Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that Council grant the fee waiver

request of $4,176 based on the July 30, 2002, memorandum to City Council from

Mayor Drake.  

Coun. Brzezinski confirmed that the $4,176 was dependent on them requesting

annexation in this fiscal year and that was the total amount that the City would give


Question called on the motion.  Couns. Brzezinski, Doyle, Soth and Stanton voting

AYE, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  (4:0)


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting

was adjourned at 10:44 p.m.


Sue Nelson, City Recorder


Approved this    2nd    day of     December    , 2002.


Rob Drake, Mayor