April 29, 2002


A regular meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by

Mayor Rob Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW

Griffith Drive, Beaverton, Oregon, on Monday, April 29, 2002, at 6:35 p.m.


Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Fred Ruby, Evelyn Brzezinski, Dennis

Doyle, Forrest Soth.  Coun. Stanton was excused.  Also present were

Chief of Staff Linda Adlard, City Attorney Mark Pilliod, Human Resources

Director Sandra Miller, Finance Director Patrick O’Claire, Community

Development Director Joe Grillo, Engineering Director Tom Ramisch,

Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano, Library Director Ed

House, Capt. Stan Newland, Assistant City Attorney Bill Scheiderich,

Utilities Engineer David Winship, Senior Planner Alan Whitworth,

Economic Development Program Manager Janet Young, City Recorder

Sue Nelson and Deputy City Recorder Cathy Jansen.

Mayor Drake noted AB 02121 would be continued to August 5, 2002, as a

separate motion.


Barbara Wilson, Beaverton, referred to a newspaper article that Beaverton

planners had taken an inventory of local trees.  She noted she was unable

to attend the work session on April 13, 2002.  She said in her

neighborhood trees were cut arbitrarily and expressed the importance of

preserving trees in Beaverton.  

Joe Grillo, Community Development Director, stated the Planning

Commission would be addressing this issue on Wednesday, May 1, 2002. 

He noted Planning Manager Hal Bergsma could update her on the April 13,

2002, meeting prior to the next meeting.

Wilson said she would talk with Mr. Bergsma.  

Coun. Soth mentioned that the City had two or three species of trees that

were not compatible with civilization, such as poplars and white birches.   

He added they had a tendency to spread their roots and lift up whatever

was in their way.  He concluded that at times the choice of cutting them

down needed to be made.

Henry Kane, Beaverton, said he had intended to submit a legal

memorandum concerning the Second Street vacation.  He said he would

give the City Attorney a list of some of the potential legal issues.  


Coun. Soth stated the Council was proceeding with the Bull Run initiative

proposal by the City of Portland and other east side water users.  He

reported the City of Portland and others on the east side were proposing a

new governing structure as well as a financial structure for the Bull Run

Watershed.  He stated the City of Beaverton was a participant and would

continue to be one until it was decided whether they wanted to participate

in the final issue.  He added he wanted people to know that the City of

Beaverton was a participant and would inform the citizens of anything



David Winship Utilities Engineer, noted the City of Beaverton’s web site

had a link to the City of Portland’s web site, which had information on Bull

Run Watershed project.

Linda Adlard, Chief of Staff, reported the solid waste haulers’ franchise

agreement language had been distributed to Council as requested.  She

noted there was a paragraph where Mayor Drake made a

recommendation to Council about renewal.  She reported this would allow

the Council to consider an extension of three and a half years at mid point

of a franchise, which would be the total of seven years.  She asked

Council if there were any questions in regard to the language.  She

concluded that she hoped it met what Council had requested.  

Mayor Drake noted that the Councilors indicated it met the intent.  


Municipal Clerk’s Week (April 28 – May 4, 2002)


Washington County Cooperative Library Services Proposed Supplemental

Local Option Levy for Library Services for FY 03-04 through FY 07-08

Ed House, Library Director, reported on the progression of the Library

funding through the years (in record).  He stated the Cooperative Library

System proposed to the County Commissioners to place a five-year

operating levy on the November Ballot to maintain the cooperative level of

service.  He reported at the County Advisory Board meeting it was decided

to recommend to the County Commissioners a 26-cent rate for that levy. 

He said the ranges discussed were from 19 cents to over 26 cents.  He

stated 26 cents was the number that had been focused on for a length of

time by most of the people involved in the County Library Advisory Board

and most of the directors.  He said the levy would replace the money that

was used to spend down the excess revenue, which was approximately

17.3 million dollars of a total expected 49.9 million that would be raised for

the five years of the levy.  He reported it would provide funding for the

various member libraries to maintain current services and to build on the

new demands made upon them.  He noted Tigard and Hillsboro were

going out for Library bond levies this May and if passed, their experience

would be similar to Beaverton’s, in that they would have a huge increase in

the number of demands of service.  

House said they would have to hire more staff and buy materials to meet

those demands, which would account for about 27.7 million dollars of the

49.9 million.  He said the levy would also pay for additional programs and

central services of the Washington County cooperative.  He explained

central services provided courier services and bought shared database

and operating systems.  He said there would be some enhancements that

they would be providing to the City of Beaverton, as well as all member

libraries, with the 3.9 million dollars.  He added one million dollars went to

the regional arts and culture council.  He noted they would be receiving

$200,000 a year to operate their program.  He reported $50,000 a year

would be spread throughout the cooperative libraries and $150,000 would

be the other programs that they offer to the Community.  He said that was

basically how the money would be spent if the County Commissioners

and the voters approved the levy in November.  He concluded the

Beaverton City Library currently received 70 percent of funding through the

cooperative and hoped to maintain that percentage in the future, based on

whatever the revenues were at that time.

Coun. Soth asked with the inclusion of the previous 36 cents per thousand

in the county general fund, if taxpayers would be paying a total of 62 cents

a thousand for library services.  He added the County had indicated that

they would continue to use 36 cents for library service.

House replied they would continue to provide the 36 cents for library

service and this was an additional 26 cents; Coun. Soth was correct with

62 cents as the total.

Coun. Soth clarified that it would be a total of 62 cents per thousand for

library services.

House said that was correct.


Coun. Ruby MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that the Consent

Agenda be approved as follows:

Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 4, 2002

Adopt a Resolution in Support of Ballot Measure 13 – Continued to May 6,


Approval of City of Beaverton 2002 Action Plan Submission to Washington


RZ 2001-0021 Sisters of St. Mary Zoning Map Amendment to Replace

Station Community Multiple Use (SC-MU) with General Commercial (GC)

RZ 2002-0012 Beaverton City Park Zone Change

Acquisition of Right-of-Way Along the Future Extension of Murray


Authorization for the Mayor to Award a Bid for Hanging Flower Baskets as

Part of the Hall Street and Watson Avenue Beautification Project. (Revised

to put this item under Consent Agenda instead of Contract Review Board)

Contract Review Board:

Bid Award – Beaverton/Tigard Water Intertie Pipeline and Master Meter on

Barrows Road

Authorize Exemption from Competitive Bidding and Purchase One (1)

Additional 2002 Kawasaki Police Motorcycle from an Existing City of

Beaverton Bid Award

Coun. Doyle noted he was glad to see the water tank and on going

maintenance in

Mayor Drake commended Gary Brentano, Operations Director, and the

Finance staff, who had been in contact with other cities that displayed

hanging flower baskets.  He noted in their packets was an example of

what the baskets would look like in full bloom.  He added the City was

excited about this program.

Question called on the motion.  Couns. Doyle, Brzezinski, Ruby and Soth

voting AYE, the motion CARRIED. (4:0)


First Reading:

An Ordinance Annexing Portions of Public Rights-of-Way Lying Generally

Outside of the Existing City Limits to the City of Beaverton; ANX 2002-

0002 (Jay Street Expedited Annexation) (Ord. No. 4199)

Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Brzezinski that the first

reading in the Ordinance embodied in AB 02121 be continued to August 5,


Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Doyle that the rules be

suspended and that the ordinances embodied in AB 02122,  02123, 02124

and 02125 be read for the first time by title only at this meeting and for the

second time by title only at the next regular meeting of the Council. 

Couns. Brzezinski, Doyle, Ruby,  and Soth voting AYE, the motion

CARRIED (4:0).

Pilliod read the following ordinances for the first time by title only:

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2050, the Zoning Map, From (R1)

to (RC-OT) for Two City-Owned Parcels:  RZ 2002-0012
(City Park

Rezone) (Ord. No. 4200)

An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of an Unimproved Right-of-Way of SW

Electric Street; SV 2001-0004. (Ord. No. 4201)

An Ordinance Vacating Right-of-Way on SW Second Street; SV 2001-

0003 (Ord. No. 4202)

An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Provisions Contained in Chapter

Four of the Beaverton Code and Declaring an Emergency (Ord. No. 4203)

Coun. Soth asked Pilliod if the replacement page that was received this

evening for Ordinance 2125 required an amendment or was that included

in the first reading.

Pilliod replied no amendments or special additional readings were

necessary because the information was introduced to the Council prior to

the motion and prior to the first reading.


Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Brzezinski,  that the Council

move into executive session in accordance with ORS 192.660 (1) (h) to

discuss the legal rights and duties of the governing body with regard to

litigation or litigation likely to be filed and in accordance with ORS 192.660

(1) (e) to deliberate with persons designated by the governing body to

negotiate real property transactions.  Couns. Brzezinski, Doyle, Ruby and

Soth voting AYE, the motion CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)

Executive session convened at 7:05 p.m.

Executive session adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time,

the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.  


Sue Nelson, City Recorder


Approved this 8th day of July 2002.


Rob Drake, Mayor