April 1, 2002


A regular meeting of the Beaverton City Council was called to order by

Mayor Rob Drake in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers, 4755 SW

Griffith Drive, Beaverton, Oregon, on Monday, April 01, 2002, at 6:35 p.m.  


Present were Mayor Drake, Couns. Fred Ruby, Evelyn Brzezinski, Dennis

Doyle, Forrest Soth, and Cathy Stanton.  Also present were Chief of Staff

Linda Adlard, City Attorney Mark Pilliod, Human Resources Director

Sandra Miller, Finance Director Patrick O’Claire, Community Development

Director Joe Grillo, Engineering Director Tom Ramisch,

Operations/Maintenance Director Gary Brentano, Emergency Manager

Mike Mumaw, Building Official Brad Roast, City Transportation Engineer

Randy Wooley, Utilities Engineer David Winship, Principal Planner Hal

Bergsma, Economic Development Program Manager Janet Young,

Support Specialist II Christy Herr, Captain Stan Newland and City

Recorder Sue Nelson.  


Henry Kane, Beaverton, referred to an article in both The Oregonian and

The Valley Times.  He reported Waste Management purchased the Miller

Sanitary property at 5th and Alger Street and was being sued by the

Federal Trade Commission on various allegations.  He said there was a

$500 million dollar settlement and noted Miller received stock from Waste

Management from the sale of the company.  He questioned whether the

City enforced the condition that the applicant be required to provide the

evidence of the recordation of right of way dedication to the C-12 minor

collector standard on SW Alger Street, 30 feet from Centerline.  He

suggested that city staff determine whether there was a deed on record

and if not, insist that the deed be provided to the City.  He said in his view

of the financial transactions, the Federal Trade Commission was suing

Waste Management.  He suggested the Finance Director inform the

Council whether Waste Management was current on all franchises and

fees.  He concluded it was less expensive to get the deed than condemn

the property.    


Coun. Brzezinski referred to a document from Metropolitan Area

Communications Commission (MACC) in regards to a proposed AT&T

cable merger.  She referred to page two in the document, which spoke of

exparte contacts.  She said assuming the MACC board recommended

approval of the merger, they would need to go to every jurisdiction to get

the agreement of each jurisdiction to approve the merger.  She added it

was a quasi-judicial action, so they need to be careful of exparte contact.  


There were none.  


Community Development Week (April 1 – April 7, 2002)

Janet Young, Economic Development Program Manager, reported the

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program had been part of

the City of Beaverton for a number of years and was an entitlement

program.  She stated the program had accomplished a number of

successful public facility and service projects.  She reported this last fiscal

year the City completed a sidewalk project in the Vose neighborhood.  She

noted there were six public service agencies which benefited last year

from CDBG funds and that provided services to over 1,900 Beaverton

residents.  She noted the agencies included Care to Share, Advocacy for

Children, Domestic Violence Resource Center, Safe Shelter and a Crisis

Line for Women, The Good Neighbor Center, Legal Aid Fair Housing and

Landlord Tenant Project and a Young Parents project.  She added the

program found successful ways to communicate with people and they

had many citizens qualifying for benefits under the program.  

Young reported in 2001 they funded 12 rehab projects with home funds

(the other federal source of money) and with CDBG money they funded

two home rehabs and 16 mobile home rehabs.  She added approximately

10% of those households had a disabled resident.  She noted they

instituted a fire safety check program with the Tualatin Valley Fire &

Rescue as a result of a fire in a mobile home last year.  She said through

this program there had been 24 checks of mobile homes and 12 grants

funded to improve the safety features of mobile homes.  She said the vast

majority of mobile homes in the area were built before 1976 and many had

important safety concerns.  She said low and moderate-income citizens in

the community appreciated these programs.  She reported one young

family inherited a mobile home with broken windows, extensive plumbing

problems, and infestation of fleas.  She added through the CDBG

program, repairs would be completed by April, 2002, and they would be

able to move into a mobile home that was in safe condition to raise their


Young reported another person had serious flooding problems with a hot

water heater in the home.  She said working the Portland Development

Commission they were able to get an inspector out and had the repair

fixed within 40 hours of the initial call.  

Young said this following year they were proposing to continue with public

facilities sidewalk upgrades as well as the housing program and public

services.  She mentioned this summer they expected new censes data to

be released in draft form, so they would be able to be more prepared for

future planning of the community.


Coun. Soth stated there was a successful rehabilitation program in the

1980’s.  He noted that he went to a number of the different projects and

saw what the conditions were and which steps were made to remedy

them.  He stated it amazed him how much improvement was made with a

small investment.  He said he felt this was one of the most important

programs established.  He asked if there were only three census tracts in

the City of Beaverton eligible for CDBG money.

Young replied she was unsure as they were working with 1990 census

data and the 2000 data was not available.  She said she felt things would

be shifting with the new data.

Coun. Stanton said she was pleased with the new sidewalks and

streetlights at Alger Street and Lombard Gardens.  She added with the

help of the CDBG money, it made the neighborhood safe and secure.

Mayor Drake noted once the City reached 50,000 in population, instead of

the money that would have been allocated for the City share of the County

population, the City received a direct grant of approximately $500,000 a

year.  He stated this money went to low and moderate-income

neighborhoods.  He noted livable homes were upgraded and the housing

stock was preserved.  He concluded he was proud of the program.


Coun. Ruby MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Doyle, that the consent

agenda be approved as follows:

Minutes of the regular meeting of December 17, 2001

A Resolution Approving the Public Health and Medical Services Annex as

Functional Annex G of the City’s Emergency Response and Recovery

Plan (Resolution No. 3657)

A Resolution Approving the Civil Disturbance Appendix as Hazard

Appendix 4 of the City’s Emergency Response and Recovery Plan

(Resolution No. 3658)

A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an IGA Establishing the

Tualatin Basin Natural Resources Coordinating Committee as a Legal

Entity with Authority to Perform Certain Functions on Behalf of the

Participating Local Government, including COB and Providing City Funds

to the Coordinating Committee. (Resolution No. 3659)

Liquor License Renewals:  Annual Renewals

Liquor Licenses: Change of Ownership – Greenwood Inn and Sandovals

Mexican Restaurant, Greater Privilege – Issa’s Pizza & Pub

Social Service Funding Committee Recommendations

(pulled for separate consideration)  

Reauthorize Conveyance of City Property (the Round) in accordance with

Modified Disposition and Development Agreement

Contract Review Board:

Bid Award – Fire Hydrant Replacement Program, Contract No. 2

Ratification of Emergency Contract Work Performed to Replace and

Repair the Traffic Signal Cabinet, Base and Conduits at the Intersection of

SW Watson and SW Farmington Due to Vehicular Damage

Award Personal Services Contract to Cordova Company for Beaverton’s

Festival Parade

Bid Award – Street Surface Slurry Seal Project

Bid Award – Street Surface Crack Sealing Project

Waiver of Sealed Bidding – Purchase of Herman Miller Furniture for the

Community Development Department From the State of Oregon Price


Exemption from Competitive Solicitation Citizen Opinion Survey

Contract Change Order for Building Code Plan Review Services

Contract Change Order – Engineering Services for Cedar Hills Boulevard

Utility Improvements, Phase 1 (CIP Project 8006A)

Coun. Soth asked in regards to AB 02078, if they would pursue both the

responsible party as well as the risk management fund for recovery.

Patrick O’Claire, Finance Director, replied the traffic signal replacement

was immediately paid out of the risk management fund and they would

also pursue recovery from the uninsured motorist.

Coun. Stanton asked for clarification of the minutes on page three, second

to last paragraph, and questioned what “publication” meant in the context.  

Mark Pilliod, City Attorney replied the statute required notice to be given

prior to the initial hearing and not prior to any re-hearing or remand from

the City Council.

Question called on the motion.  Couns. Brzezinski, Doyle, Ruby, Stanton

and Soth voting AYE, the motion CARRIED unanimously. (5:0)

Coun. Stanton stated she did not want AB 02076 to slide through on the

consent agenda and wanted it looked at carefully.  She said she

appreciated that every year the City set aside $200,000 to help non-profits. 

She recognized the committee and Chairman Fred Ruby for their hard

work in the process of reviewing the applications.  She said non-profits in

this area had a hard time meeting the needs of citizens.  She said she

was very pleased with the list of non-profits that the City would be able to


Coun. Ruby reported the Tualatin Hills Parks Foundation was a new

applicant to the social service funding committee this year.  He noted the

request was for $10,000 and the committee had a difficult time addressing

the application.  He stated this was a non-profit foundation associated with

the Park District which had not been active for a number of years and was

making an effort to become more active.  He said their main focus was

trying to raise money for scholarships for low-income participants in the

Park and Recreation District program.  He said currently they used the fee

waivers system and the Park District needed to replace that revenue.  He

added this one was different from the type of social service request that

the committee normally received.  He concluded they felt it was important

to approve a one-time contribution and support the efforts of the Park &

Recreation District.

Coun. Stanton MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, that AB 02076 be

approved. Roll call vote.  Couns. Ruby, Stanton, Brzezinski, Doyle, and

Soth voting AYE, the motion CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)


Mayor Drake called a recess at 7:00 p.m.  


The regular meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m.  

Coun. Doyle MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Brzezinski, to grant the

refund request, of half of the appeal fee, submitted by Jerry Condray. 

Mayor Drake stated he was recommending a partial refund after

evaluating the staff time spent prior to Condray withdrawing the appeal.

Coun. Stanton noted she was in favor of refunding the full amount. 

Coun. Brzezinski said it was reasonable to cover the cost of the staff


Question called on the motion, Couns. Ruby, Doyle, Soth, Stanton, and

Brzezinski voting AYE, motion CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)


Appeal Hearing on Traffic Control Board Issue 471 Regarding a Median

Island on SW Hall Boulevard at the Fanno Creek Trail

Coun. Soth asked for clarification in the second paragraph stating “on the

record”.  He asked if this was being held “on the record” or “de novo”.  

Pilliod said there was not a request for a “de novo” hearing.  

Coun. Stanton said given the fact that there was a small group for this

hearing and there was a lack of evidence she would like to make a motion

to have the hearing “de novo”.  

The motion was not seconded.

Mayor Drake stated it would be “on the record”.  

Randy Wooley, City Traffic Engineer, stated Traffic Control Board issue

471 was a difficult one for the Traffic Commission.  He referred to a map

for clarification and explained the options for a crossing (in record).  He

said the character of this street and crossing was quite a bit different

between peak and off-peak times.  He explained that a center island on

this type of street improved safety and made it easier for pedestrians and

cyclists to cross.  He noted it was written in the Beaverton Code that a

pedestrian or cyclist within 150 feet of a marked crosswalk had to use that

marked crosswalk.   He added once a pedestrian or cyclist was more than

150 feet away he could legally cross.  He continued with the options and

what had been discussed (in record).  He concluded the Traffic

Commission voted 4:3 to recommend approval of the island with


Coun. Soth asked if they had an actual number of crossings of Hall


Wooley said they did not do actual counts.  He said they did observations

at different times of the day.

Coun. Soth asked if they considered protecting the island.  

Wooley replied they were not into that area of design at this time.

Coun. Stanton referred to a conversation before the Council meeting in

regards to traffic count data and asked if 27,000 was the traffic count in

both directions.

Wooley answered that was correct.  He stated that was for both directions

in a twenty-four hour period on Hall Boulevard.  

Coun. Stanton asked for clarification, for she did not feel that sounded


Wooley reported approximately 10% of the traffic was during the peak

hour.  He added approximately 2,500 to 3,000 cars per hour went through

this area during the evening peak hour.    

Coun. Stanton said she was thinking in terms of the left turn movement

from Hall Boulevard onto Greenway.  She estimated there were 12 to 19

cars that went through every three and a half minutes. 

Wooley noted Coun. Stanton’s calculation was accurate.  He said there

was a high percentage of left turns; close to 50% of the westbound traffic

turned left.  He felt his previous count was accurate.

Coun. Ruby asked if it would be possible to extend the Fanno Creek Trail

on the north side of Hall Boulevard, so the Trail could be turned to the west

and run parallel to the existing sidewalk and come out at the existing

pedestrian signal.

Wooley said he did not feel there was enough room.

Coun. Brzezinski asked if there was an engineering reason for the

placement of the island, other than placing it close to the trail.

Wooley replied it was recommended to be near the existing trail crossing. 

He reported what governed the location were the slopes and any wetland


Coun. Brzezinski asked if there was an engineering reason that would

prevent a trail on the bridge.  

Wooley said there was nothing preventing them from building the island on

the bridge.  

Coun. Brzezinski commented that she felt that would be better than where

the people currently had to walk.  She said she agreed there was some

difficulty with the eastbound traffic trying to get into the first driveway on

the north side of Hall Boulevard.

Coun. Soth asked how far out into the street did the streetlight extend so

the island would be noticeable, especially in adverse weather.  

Wooley answered the street light was located on a power pole.  He stated

it was designed to light the entire street.  He said from his observation

there was enough light for pedestrians to see their way across the entire

street.  He noted there would be signage and reflector pavement markers

for motorists.  

Coun. Soth noted there was concern expressed in the Traffic

Commission minutes about the two lanes left on the north bound side and

whether or not it would cause a back up on the inside lane serving a dual

purpose.  He added this lane would serve both the north bound as well as

additional queuing for a left turn.  He asked if this was part of the analysis.

Wooley said there was a concern about the lane changing and with cars

stopped in a third lane; there would potentially be rear end collisions.  He

said he felt people that used it daily or frequently would adjust to the

change.  He noted he did not anticipate a great increase in collisions.  He

added there would be some additional lane changing.

Coun. Doyle clarified that it would be $4 million to raise the road or develop


Wooley said that was correct. 

Coun. Doyle asked if the cost of the bridge was $1 million dollars.

Wooley answered it would be approximately $500,000 for the trail to be

constructed over Hall Boulevard.  

Coun. Doyle asked if it would be $50,000 for a pedestrian activated signal.

Wooley said that was correct.

Coun. Doyle asked if it would be $10,000 for an island.

Wooley replied it would be between $5,000 and $10,000.

Coun. Doyle noted the cost of a full signal was $100,000.

Wooley replied those were the alternatives.

Mayor Drake noted he voted only in the event of a tie and came to Council

meetings prepared to vote when necessary.   He said he went on a run

from his house with the idea of coming over to this intersection and having

the opportunity to cross at the projected crossing.  He noted it was late

afternoon during peak traffic hour.  He reported traffic was backed up in

the first turn lane and also backed up at Albertson’s heading west.  He

said he ended up putting his life in peril trying to get across.  He said he

ran to the middle where there was no island and was in between two cars.

He stated it seemed like an hour before he could find an opening to cross.  

He said coming back he decided to cross at the signal.  He asked if

moving the island further east would interfere with the traffic that would

turn east into the shopping center.

Wooley stated the further it was moved to the east the better for traffic

movement.  He said it was just a question of how far it could be moved

and be able to line up the trail where people would use it and not cross

away from the island.

Mayor Drake noted a ramp would be needed for wheelchairs and strollers. 

He asked if the drop on the bridge was higher down to the pavement than

the drop from the sidewalk.  

Wooley said installing sidewalk ramps on the bridge would be more



Jim Persey, on behalf of the Greenway Neighborhood Association (NAC),

commented that at their January NAC meeting they voted to appeal Traffic

Control Board Issue No. 471.  He added he did not feel the NAC had

correct standing because he had testified at the Traffic Commission

hearing in behalf of himself, not the NAC.   He commented the Traffic

Commission hearings were noticed 20 days before a hearing but the NAC

was unable to have a regular NAC meeting before the Traffic Commission

hearing.  He concluded this was a NAC appeal and they were asking for a

refund, on behalf of the NAC.

Mayor Drake noted to the audience that the Council allocated each year

one free appeal for each NAC.  He said as a formal action taken by the

Greenway NAC, they would qualify.  He said Mr. Persey paid this fee, so

he would direct the Finance Director to pay Mr. Persey directly.  

Persey reported this appeal was not a unanimous vote.  He said they had

ten board members and the vote was seven to three.  He added not

everyone was in favor of the appeal and part of what he wanted to do was

to get the neighborhood involved.  He commented Traffic Commission

only posted signs and did not mail out notices; he felt it would be difficult to

read a sign traveling on Hall Boulevard at 40 mph.  

Persey explained he sent out a newsletter with as much information as

possible.  He said he encouraged everyone to testify, no matter which side

they were on; there needed to be more discussion on the matter. He

questioned if the median was safer when it prompted more people to

cross.  He referred to statistics (in record).  He commented this

suggested a temporary solution and temporary solutions sometimes

became permanent solutions.  He added a permanent solution was what

needed to be considered.  He noted Greenway Park was part of a green

belt that went around the Washington Square Regional Center.  He

suggested an outlet would be needed if high-density housing was

constructed near the Washington Square area.  He said he felt an

overpass would work; a pedestrian signal would cause problems for the

traffic.   He agreed that when the Fanno Creek Trail was completed it

would be a crown jewel of trails.  He concluded that it was a tough

decision and they needed to look at a permanent solution.  He added his

other concern was cars backing up into Albertson’s parking lot.  


DeVera Wenger, Beaverton, said safe use of the trail was their objective. 

She noted an accident could happen to anyone at any age.  She said the

island that was proposed was a done deal in the sense that it was a

proposal that was on the table.  She said it was not the right solution.  She

stated what needed to be done was to go back to the drawing board and

spend money to do it right; in her opinion that was an overpass.  She

noted she saw a lot of use on the trail every day.  She added she took her

life in her hands when crossing Hall Boulevard.  

Coun. Stanton asked what time of day she walked the trail.

Wenger said it was hazardous any time of day.  She said the only time

they had comfort in crossing Hall Boulevard was at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday


Wiley Wenger, Beaverton, stated he was in support of the proposed

median island as a minimal way to improve the safety of the crossing.  He

said he walked the trail every day and crossing required extreme caution. 

He noted there were persons of all ages crossing.  He reported the

distance to the signal from the trail’s end was approximately 430 feet in

each direction and was significantly up hill.  He noted from the trail to the

Nimbus intersection the round trip distance was more than half a mile.  He

said obviously a detour was not at all a reasonable solution.  He said a

significant reason in walking the trail in the first place was to enjoy the

relative peace and quiet of the park.  

Wenger said if he had to go up the hill to the traffic light and then back

down again amidst the noise and pollution he would most likely stop using

the trail. He said a principal reason that the crossing was so dangerous at

this time was that current motor vehicle drivers do not obey the law about

the use of the existing center lane.  He said when they fill the middle lane

illegally they remove the option of a crosser finding an emergency

sanctuary if he were caught.  He said he felt the traffic median was the

best of all possible options given the difficulty of each option.  

Coun. Stanton asked if DeVera Wenger was for or against the median.

DeVera Wenger answered she was against the median.  She said she

was looking for the solution that would protect pedestrians.  

Richard Poulo, Beaverton, said he was speaking in favor of the appeal and

opposing the median islands.  He said drivers exiting Highway 217 during

the evening rush hour would not be prepared for the traffic in the left lane. 

He noted how far back the traffic started.  He said the concern was not the

location of the island or the visibility of the island, it was the location of the

backed up traffic.  He said he felt a blocked left lane was an invitation to

rear-end collisions.  He referred to the trail and felt one could go to the

intersection for crossing.  He stated it was not convenient but it was not

dangerous.  He noted what drivers were doing by queuing up was getting

them out of the flow of traffic.  He concluded he felt that blocking the left

through-lane of a significant road, such as Hall Boulevard, was dangerous.

Henry Kane, Beaverton, said he supported the appeal.  He said he used

the trail and crossed Hall Boulevard frequently and agreed crossing was

dangerous.  He said he was concerned about the amount of traffic during

the peak hours and where it would go if the left turn lane was not there. 

He suggested one alternative would be to put a 20 mph speed limit at the

location of the Fanno Creek Trail with a yellow crossing light.  He

concluded that he felt an overpass would be the best solution.

Kim Graboyes, Beaverton, said she was there as a mother who used the

park often and also as a driver in the area.  She stated this was an unsafe

place to cross the street.  She said she thought the turn lanes were put in

to keep the traffic flowing.  She noted when streets were widened in other

areas a turn lane was added so that the traffic flowed.  She said she had

personally seen people trying to cross the street with small children and

felt it was very unsafe.  She added the only safe way would be to go over

or under Hall Boulevard.  She concluded that approving a median would

create a false sense of security.


Hal Ballard, Beaverton, reported he was at the crossing for an hour and

took a count every five minutes.  He said every five minutes a total

average of 268 turned left.  He said the average queue was approximately

17 cars per queue.  He noted it was as high as 32 and as low as 9.  He

reported of the 268 cars, 185 went through in the first pass.  He referred to

the map (in record).  He noted the red light program was working; two

people ran a red light on the left turn within that hour.  He added he

counted eight pedestrians and 10 bicycles that had crossed Hall


Coun. Stanton asked where the pedestrians and bicyclist had crossed. 

Ballard replied it was at the trail crossing.  

Coun. Stanton asked if he had counted at the intersection.  

Ballard said he counted two pedestrians that walked from the 7-11 store

up to the light and back to the trail.  He said there were also a several

people who came from the south, and went west from Hall Boulevard. He

noted the importance of the trails regional connection.  He referred to the

Metro biker’s map and pointed out that this area was in red, showing that it

was a dangerous spot.  He said he felt a median would alleviate the

problem.  He added the cars were going 40 to 50 mph on Hall Boulevard.

Coun. Brzezinski asked if he knew of another place that was comparable

to this area, which had two trailheads on either side of a busy street with

an island in-between.  

Ballard answered he did not.  He said the closest was at I-205 and

Division, which had on and off ramps to the freeway.  He said there were

two lights on either side; instead of putting in a crosswalk the lights were

timed to allow sufficient time for people to cross.

Coun. Stanton thanked him for checking the numbers.  She noted if he

took the count an hour later the count would had increased dramatically

because it was commute time.   

Kat Iverson said she supported the median.  She said she felt the bike

path was part of the road and part of Beaverton’s transportation system

plan.  She said she saw this as a legitimate intersection where cyclist

should be able to cross.  She said a median would prevent cars from

queuing that far back and leave the left turn lane open to cyclist.  She said

she felt a median would help improve safety.

Coun. Brzezinski noted this was not illegal queuing as mentioned by

others.  She stated Wooley reported it was not illegal to be there and it

would be illegal if it was further east.  She asked if Iverson knew of any

other area that had a similar situation.  

Iverson replied not on a busy street.  She said the Powerline Trail that was

west of Murray had two or three streets with medians.  She noted these

were neighborhood streets.

Coun. Brzezinski asked what would be an alternative?  

Iverson said they should use a median at all places along the trail.  She

added she could not think of any other comparable situations that had a


Coun. Brzezinski said she was trying to think of another situation that was

comparable to this where there was not a median.  She asked if the

Powerline Trail was the closest to a comparable situation.

Iverson answered yes, or possibly the trail that crossed at Hart Road and

160th.  She said it being legal or not would depend on whether it was

considered a trail or a road.  She said the fact that motorists were not

allowed to use it should make it a trail, not a road.

Coun. Doyle asked what would be the ideal solution for Hall Boulevard. 

Iverson replied the ideal solution would be to go over or under the road. 

Coun. Ruby asked staff when the bike lanes went in if there would be curb

cuts from each side of the Fanno Creek Trail into the bike lane.  

Wooley said there would not be curb cuts.  

Coun. Ruby said it seemed to him that it would alleviate for cyclist some of

the inconvenience if coming from the north side.  He noted if there were

curb cuts, the cyclists could flow into the bike lane as mentioned.  He

added they could go to the light at Greenway and cross there and then go

into the bike lane to reconnect.  He said Wooley had pointed out that a

cyclist traveling south would not have that convenience, because a cyclist

couldn’t go the other direction in the bike lane on the south side.  He said

with a curb cut the bike lane would be extended further toward

Washington Square and the cyclist could turn right and go to Nimbus to

complete the loop.  He said that was why he was asking about the curb

cuts on both sides; it seemed to him that it would address part of that


Wooley said that was an excellent point and should be re-visited after the

decision had been made on the island. 

Coun. Brzezinski said it was reasonable regardless of the decision on the


Coun. Doyle said there was a sign that stated “illegal to cross.”

Iverson said it was illegal for pedestrians to cross there.  She noted that a

bicyclist was not pedestrian.

Coun. Stanton said she felt curb cuts would become an attractive

nuisance and encourage people to cross.  She said if tonight’s decision

was not to approve the median she would re-visit the whole concept of

adding curb cuts where people should not cross.  

Coun. Brzezinski said her thought was to get people onto the bike lane.

Iverson said she felt curb cuts would make it safer to cross.  

Tom Hardy, Beaverton, said he drove this street 8 to 10 times a week and

rode his bike 3 to 4 times, usually on Hall Boulevard.  He said when his

children were growing up, they often rode down to Greenway Park.  He

said at no time did he allow them to cross at the trail because it was not

safe.  He said this was ten years ago and it was still not safe. He said he

felt there should be at least a median, if not a full light designated cross


Coun. Stanton asked if he was in favor of the median.  

Hardy answered he was in favor of at least a median.


Persey noted that the count was new evidence.   He said he felt the

problems occurred when the queue was up towards the light and

motorists would merge into the lane.  He said he questioned whether the

trail was a road. He felt the commuter bicyclist used Hall Boulevard. He

said what he saw were families and kids using the trail who would need to

cross Hall Boulevard.  He said he felt there should be stronger signs

directing people up to the intersection.  He said he also heard that

Creekside was close to meeting warrants for a light.  He said if that ever

happened it would make it easier for bicyclist to go down and cross on the

bicycle lanes.  He concluded the ideal solution would be an overpass.  He

said he did not see the benefits of curb cuts and felt that would be best for

Wooley to decide.  

Coun. Stanton asked Wooley if warrants were being met for the light at


Wooley replied Creekside had met signal warrants three or four years ago

and it had not been funded.  

Coun. Stanton asked if Hall Boulevard was a County or State road.

Wooley replied Hall Boulevard and Creekside were both City streets. 

Mayor Drake noted there were 50 potential signals that had either met the

warrants or were close to it near Hart Road, so he felt they prioritized, as

the money became available.

Coun. Brzezinski asked if the Washington Square Regional Plan came

this far west.  

Wooley answered he did not believe the regional plan area came this far

west.  He said the traffic impact was considered in the traffic evaluation.

Coun. Brzezinski asked if he could think of anywhere else in the City that

had a busy street with an island in the center where people would cross.  

Wooley said there were islands on Canyon that were not designed for this

purpose.  He added he could not think of any in the Beaverton area.  He

said he knew of some locations in northeast  Portland where they provided

a pedestrian and bicycle crossing that created center islands.  He noted

those were two-lane streets and not as wide as Hall Boulevard.

Coun. Brzezinski said she remembered when the islands on Canyon

Road were first discussed.  She said she recalled that they were looking

for a way for people to cross without walking the long blocks.  She asked if

people were crossing on Canyon Road.

Wooley replied primarily people were crossing at the signals.

Coun. Brzezinski asked what the potential funding would be for an

overpass and if there were alternative sources of funding.

Mayor Drake stated a crossing would be ideal and he was in favor of a

crossing.  He added it would be looked at, but was not a priority when

there were other alternatives.

Wooley said with a project as big as $500,000, they would need to apply

for a federal grant fund.  He said Beaverton had progressed in the regional

process in obtaining bicycle money in the recent years and felt it would be

difficult in receiving additional money for this crossing.  He said the only

money that the City received for bike improvements was state grants and

the limit was $100,000 maximum.  

Coun. Soth noted the Washington Square limit took in a portion of the

Nimbus Business Center and did not come further west.     

Coun. Stanton asked what the current count was at Hart Road and 162nd.

Wooley replied it was approximately 15,000 vehicles a day.  

Coun. Stanton asked if a median was considered in at that location.

Wooley replied they were proposed at several locations on Hart Road. 

Coun. Stanton noted there was one like this at the Powerline Trail.

Wooley replied at the Powerline Trail there was a raised median at 160th.

Coun. Stanton asked what the counts would be when Hart Road was

changed to five lanes.

Wooley replied he did not recall.

Mayor Drake closed the hearing.

Coun. Soth MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Ruby, to grant the appeal and

overturn Traffic Commission decision on Hall Blvd.

Coun. Soth noted this was an extremely dangerous intersection.  He said

this did not come anywhere near meeting warrants for a pedestrian

crossing.  He said marked crossings were unsafe because they provided

the false sense of security.  He added motorists had difficulty seeing the

pedestrian in time.  He concluded the warrants had not been met and felt

the hazards would increase.

Coun. Stanton said she was hesitant to put anything in the road that gave

pedestrians a false sense of security.  She added without good numbers

of people crossing and the number of cars using the intersection,  it was

difficult to say that this would meet the needs of the citizens of Beaverton. 

She said she would like to go back to the original 1998 transportation plan

and close Greenway at 125th that would eliminate left turn traffic onto

Greenway.  She concluded that she did not see the benefit to the greater

population and was concerned that it would create more safety issues.

Coun. Doyle said he did not feel that this would accomplish what needed

to be accomplished.  He said this was a dangerous spot in the City and

felt it would take some continuation of discussion.  He added the NAC and

Bike Task Force could help promote the discussion to come up with a

plan that would work for everyone.  

Coun. Ruby said he felt it was a dangerous area and would like to see the

City discourage crossing at this intersection.  He said he appreciated that

staff would look at the issue of curb cuts.  He said he felt once the bike

lanes were installed this would go a long way toward alleviating the

problem for a serious cyclist.  

Mayor Drake noted they would review the curb cut and signage issues.

Coun. Soth said in regard to the curb cuts they needed to look at the bike

standpoint as well as mothers with strollers and people with canes.  He

said he favored exploring the participation of Tualatin Hills Park and

Recreation District (THPRD) and felt they should be involved.

Question called on the motion.  Couns. Ruby, Soth, Stanton, Brzezinski

and Doyle voting AYE.  The motion CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0)  

Coun. Stanton MOVED, SECONDED by Coun. Soth, to refund Mr.

Persey’s appeal fees for this application and that this become the one

time free appeal refund for the Greenway NAC for the year 2002.  

Coun. Doyle noted this was using the one time appeal refund for the NAC.  

Coun. Soth said he would second the motion for the NAC’s one time

appeal refund.

Roll call vote.  Couns. Ruby, Stanton, Brzezinksi, Doyle and Stanton

voting AYE, the motion CARRIED unanimously.  (5:0).  


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time,

the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.


Sue Nelson, City Recorder


Approved this 17th day of June, 2002


Rob Drake, Mayor