Bid Registration System

Vendor Registration

The City has updated information regarding whether a firm is certified by the State of Oregon's Certification of Business Inclusion and Diversity Office (COBID). The additional piece added is to find out if a firm is certified, what certification they hold. This will help the City identify those certified firms that express interest in procurement opportunities and allow more outreach to COBID firms that may be missing City business opportunities. For additional information, visit Beaverton's Equity in Procurement Program.
All fields except Your Title and FAX are required (unless otherwise specified).


Select State from dropdown or enter Province/Region in textbox


Phone and FAX numbers

Preferred format: 999-999-9999   *If not United States or Canada, please include country code.
Allowable characters: numbers, hyphens, parentheses, spaces. Must end with 2 or more numbers.


Certified in the State of Oregon with Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID)?

Is your firm COBID-certified?

UserName: Your UserName is the email address you entered above.

Password must:
  • be at least 6 characters long, and
  • contain only letters, numbers, and/or underscores.